- The Government of Cartagena has included in the Local Security Council today the motion registered by the Orange formation on August 16 to join the protocol of collaboration and coordination between the Forces and Security Corps of the State and the Local Police of Cartagena For the protection of victims of gender violence.
- "We are sure that an improvement in coordination between administrations will help to make public efforts against sexist violence more productive and prevent future attacks. It is unacceptable that a modern and advanced society such as ours does not take advantage of all the tools Available to end the murders and attacks on women, "said the spokesperson for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
Cartagena, Tuesday, August 29.
Citizens are pleased that the Government has taken advantage of the Local Security Council today to comply with the motion filed by the Orange Training on August 16 to join the protocol of collaboration and coordination between the State Security Forces and Police Local Cartagena for the protection of victims of gender violence.
The Citizens' proposal urges the City Council to carry out the necessary procedures so that the Local Police can join the Integral Monitoring System in cases of Gender Violence (VioGen System).
The incorporation to this system, informs Citizens, is necessary to activate this coordination protocol that emanates from a 2006 agreement between the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Ministry of the Interior.
"We are confident that an improvement in coordination between administrations will help to make public efforts against gender-based violence more productive and prevent future aggressions. It is unacceptable that a modern and advanced society such as ours does not take advantage of all the available tools To end the murders and attacks on women, "said the spokesperson for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, who explained that" all the information on each case is in the database of the VioGen system, which analyzes the risk In real time, making predictions and generating alerts, for example, when there is a victim of gender violence in a municipality and its aggressor is registered as a worker in the same or another nearby.
"I hope that in a constant and progressive way, all municipalities in the Community will join the system, as this will improve and complete the creation of a regional risk map, a network for the rapid, comprehensive and effective monitoring and protection of women Ill-treated, and of their sons and daughters, in any part of the national territory, "said Padín.
As reported by the website of the Ministry of the Interior, the Comprehensive Monitoring System for Gender Violence (VioGen System) of the Secretariat of State for Security was put into operation on July 26, 2007, in compliance with Established in Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on 'Measures of Integral Protection against Gender Violence'.
Among the objectives of this system is to bring together the different public institutions that have competencies in the area of ​​gender violence, to integrate all the information of interest that is deemed necessary, to predict the risk, to monitor and protect the victims throughout the country. National territory, and carry out a preventive work, issuing warnings, alerts and alarms, through the "Automated Notifications Subsystem", when any incident or event that could endanger the integrity of the victim is detected.
The incorporation to the system is made at the request of the city council concerned, with the Violence and Violence Coordination Units on Women of the Government Delegations responsible for coordinating the documentation necessary for the incorporation of the local police.
The protocol for the incorporation of these bodies into the VioGen System is included in the so-called Collaboration Agreement between the Ministry of the Interior and the corresponding City Council, signed by the Secretary of State for Security and by the requesting mayor.
And it specifies in its ninth clause that "it does not entail expenses for the Ministry of the Interior", nor for the City Council.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena