Under the denomination MM17 Cartagena, the area of ​​Sustainable Development of the City of Cartagena, directed by José López, will launch the Mobility Month, which will be held between September 15 and October 15, an initiative that includes Performances such as the installation of bicycle points to connect municipal buildings or charging points for electric vehicles.
The details of this event will be fulfilled in the meeting of the Strategic Plan M17 to be held in the last week of August, which will be attended by representatives of groups and entities such as MoviliCT, UPCT, Port Authority and Chamber of Commerce.
Other areas of government, such as Quality of Life, Culture, Heritage and Citizen Security, collaborate in this initiative.
Among the concrete actions that will be carried out during Mobility Month, apart from those already mentioned, there is a circuit of cameras to control the traffic in the pedestrian zones;
A free bus on non-teaching Thursday of Carthaginians and Romans for children to attend the fair, as well as to encourage that day in Cartagena to reduce as much traffic as possible, encouraging them to go to work on urban buses.
There will also be cycling marches to combine heritage and sport, in this case is already planned for the month of October a cycling march of the Department of Sports in collaboration with the Spanish Association against Cancer, as well as an outreach campaign and open training days To citizens about the benefits of not using the vehicle in the city and to place Cartagena as a model of mobility and sustainability, and a Mobility Fair will be held in collaboration with transport companies in the region.
In addition, it should be noted that Cartagena has joined the European Mobility Week which, under the motto 'Share takes you further', will be held from 16 to 22 September with the aim of sensitizing society to the negative effects Of car use in the city.
José López, responsible for the project, stated that "MM17 Cartagena is the manifestation of our commitment to sustainability and mobility, we want Cartagena to move towards a kind and efficient municipality model, and for that we need to support our commitment to mobility , In which we go hand in hand with collectives, entities and institutions.
The mayor concluded, "we are sure that it will be a success and we are confident that it is the germ of a way of understanding the municipality and of monthly actions on mobility in which we are already working as it is known since we presented M17."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena