The local Government Board approved last week the list of subsidies for cultural projects corresponding to the public call for 2017.
In total, 31 projects were submitted for subsidy of the 72 submitted through the procedure of competitive concurrence for people, groups or associations.
The total amount granted reaches 30,000 euros.
The selection was made with the advice of a specialized commission in which people related to the cultural sector participated in addition to officials of the Department of Culture, and was chaired by the Councilor for Culture, Education and Equality, David Martinez Noguera.
The list of subsidized projects includes proposals of all kinds, especially those related to cinema and audiovisual, music and theater.
Many of the projects benefited are from neighborhood associations of the municipality, but also from collective and cultural associations.
All projects have to be developed this year.
The detailed list of subsidized projects can be consulted on the municipal website
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena