- "It would be grotesque that a municipal government that has complained so bitterly about the lack of execution in Cartagena of regional budgets has the same laziness and lack of commitment to their own," said Padín.
The Municipal Citizens Group intends to be far above the execution of its amendments to the municipal budgets of 2017 that suppose 1,250,000 million euros in strategic investments for the municipality.
Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, "we are already in full month of July and we know nothing of the state of execution nor the deadlines that has been marked by the Government of PSOE and MC to undertake several of our amendments."
On the other hand, Manuel Padín recalled that last May 29, "we had a meeting with the Councilor delegate of the Area of ​​Finance, Isabel Garcia, in which he proposed the organization of a series of meetings to follow up these amendments , But more than a month later no one has knocked on our door to start that meeting schedule. "
"The municipal budgets of 2017 went ahead thanks to the favorable vote of Citizens and we demand that 100% of the investments proposed by our group are executed, for that reason we are going to demand a scheduled commitment", informed the spokesman of Cs.
Although some amendments have begun timidly to develop, Manuel Padín has assured that nothing is known of the pedestrianization of the accesses to Hospital Santa Lucía, the conditioning of Beatas and Plaza de la Merced, the design of a network of Young non-resident Cartagena and incentives to entrepreneurial talent.
"It is this deafening silence since the municipal budgets were approved which makes us fear that the Government does not have the will or the capacity to face some projects that we in Citizens consider essential", explained Manuel Padín who has announced that he will ask in The next the state in which the seven orange amendments are found, "if they do not want to give the first we will force them in the plenary session of July."
The spokesman for the Orange Training has ensured that the work of his Municipal Group "does not end with the inclusion of our proposals in the accounts, our duty now is to make a strong mark to the Government to make those works are done and not remain on wet paper ".
"It would be grotesque that a government that has complained so bitterly about the lack of execution in Cartagena of regional budgets has the same laziness and lack of commitment as the Community," said Padín.
Citizens today recalled in a statement that among their contributions to the budgets is the beginning of a comprehensive plan to adapt the Torres Park with a line of 180,000 euros, improvement and refurbishment works of the Plaza de la Merced and the Calle Beatas, with a consignment of 350,000 euros, works to condition the pedestrian access to Santa Lucia Hospital, worth 300,000 euros, interventions in the Amphitheater for the project of recovery, for 200,000 euros, the conditioning of cheniles and the The front esplanade of CATAD, for 50,000 euros, the construction of public urinals for 120,000 euros, the design of a network of young non-resident Cartagena and incentives to entrepreneurial talent, worth 30,000 euros, and the update of the Comprehensive Plan for Accessibility 2010 , With a value of 20,000 euros.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena