- The Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, attended today at the Almudí Palace of Murcia the First Meeting of Smart Cities 'Murcia Smart', a national and international reference forum where various innovation projects and identified models have been analyzed Urban, intelligent, under parameters of connectivity and energy efficiency.
- Citizens have been a key part of Cartagena's future as an intelligent city of reference, "at the Plenary of October 2015, we succeeded in getting the necessary steps started to achieve the inclusion of Cartagena in the European Network of Intelligent Cities ( RECI), with this plenary agreement, we urged the approval of the Smart City Master Plan, a necessary document for joining the network, said Manuel Padín, who asserts that Cs has marked "an indispensable objective to develop a sustainable management model for Cartagena itself. XXI century"
The Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, today attended the 1st Meeting of Smart Cities 'Murcia Smart', a forum of national and international reference where various innovation projects and identified urban models have been analyzed in the Almudí Palace of Murcia Intelligent, under parameters of connectivity and energy efficiency.
The meeting, which has been promoted by the City of Murcia and the newspaper La Verdad, aims to promote the exchange of knowledge, and promote the use of technologies and infrastructures to generate an increase in the quality of life of citizens, harmonize The exploitation of resources and enrich citizen participation.
The Orange formation spokesman explained that his group has been a key piece for Cartagena to be an intelligent reference city in the future, "at the Plenary of October 2015 we succeeded in getting the necessary steps to be taken to include Cartagena in the European Network of Intelligent Cities (RECI), with this plenary agreement we pushed the approval of the Smart City Master Plan, necessary document for the adhesion to the network ".
Manuel Padín has indicated that his group has been marked as an "irreplaceable objective" the development of a sustainable management model for Cartagena itself of the 21st century.
The orange formation recalled that joining the RECI does not entail any economic cost while the benefits are multiple.
The Secretariat of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society and the Public Entity Red.es participate in technical working groups of the RECI, and in its deliberations the calls for various aids and subsidies are studied.
In this sense, the training led by Manuel Padin has informed that will ask in the next plenary session in what state are the formalities for the final inclusion of Cartagena in the RECI.
"While other parties are engaged in recriminations, looking to the past or competing to see which of the two is more Cartagena or less corrupt, we prefer to look to the future and work to make Cartagena the city and the municipality it deserves Be for its extraordinary possibilities, "said Manuel Padin, who regrets" the sadly expected absence of the Councilor responsible for Sustainable Development, José López in a forum that should interest you because it addresses issues of your competence. "
For Citizen spokesperson Cartagena, Manuel Padín, "without sparing any value to the control work of the local government of the opposition municipal groups, we think it is gratifying that the public perceives that there is at least a political formation that does not ride circuses But wants to be constructive and is capable of reaching majorities in this corporation so divided to pursue ambitious and positive proposals for Cartagena. "
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena