MC, through its president Jesus Giménez, has recently expressed its adhesion to the protocol file initiated as a result of the Decree of Mayor-Presidency of February 2, 2017, which proposes the nomination of the Plaza de Juan López Pinto replacing that of General López Pinto, site affected by the application of Law 52/2007 of Historical Memory.
In his writing, MC wanted to highlight the merits of Juan López Pinto (1788-1831), illustrious Cartagena and Lieutenant Colonel of Artillery.
In his argument, the Carthaginian formation means López Pinto as "a martyr of freedom for his outstanding role in the War of Independence and in the immediate historical events surrounding the defense of liberalism, as evidenced by the fact that it was Shot with General Torrijos on the beaches of Malaga. "
A life dedicated to the struggle for liberal ideals, coming to fight against the French to defend their idea of ​​betting on a constitutional Spain.
The vital trajectory of the military Cartagena was marked by its support to the raising of Irrigation in Heads of San Juan, being present, also, in the defense of Cartagena of 1823. It did it next to one of the most significant figures during the Liberal Triennium : Field Marshal Jose Maria Torrijos and Uriarte.
MC has highlighted the role of López Pinto representing Cartagena in defense of freedoms, in a convulsive political context, the nineteenth century, with the passage from the Old to the New Regime in the framework of the origin of Spanish constitutionalism.
And it is that Juan López Pinto was a fundamental protagonist in a Cartagena inclined to liberalism, one of the first cities to adhere to the Riego uprising and proclaim the constitution, where López Pinto took part in the preparation of the reaction against the French.
López Pinto has received the recognition of several Spanish provinces, appearing its name in the street of several Spanish provinces.
Also appears a plaque erected in the place of the execution of Torrijos and his companions in the beach of Malaga.
Consistorial Palace of Cartagena
It should be remembered that the painting entitled "The execution of Torrijos on the beaches of Malaga", of important dimensions and signed by the painter from Cartagena, Vicente Ros (1887 1976), a copy of the original of Antonio Gisbert Is in the Prado Museum
The text of adhesion concludes by describing as "right to recognize the work of this cartagenero", while assessing "the opportunity that gives us to extol and remember our historical memory."
Source: MC