The organization of the VIII Route of the Strengths of Cartagena has delivered on Friday the checks with the financial aid from the collection of the 2017 edition to a total of 36 charities and charities that carry out their work in the city and the region .
A part of the funds will also be used to finance an environmental regeneration project in the area.
The event, which took place in the facilities of the Marine Infantry School 'General Albacete and Fuster' (EIMGAF), was chaired by the Maritime Action Admiral, Manuel de la Puente, and the mayor of Cartagena, José López, And has been attended by the Colonel director of the EIMGAF, Enrique Montero, and the Councilor for Sports, Ricardo Segado.
This VIII edition of the Route of Strengths, held on 1 April and ending a total of 3,240 participants of the 3,800 registered, has managed to raise a total of 52,250 euros from the registration fees of athletes And the donations of the collaborating entities and sponsors of the event, which is organized by the Navy and the City of Cartagena.
These funds are those that have been donated to different charities and charities.
In addition to the delivery of the funds raised, the collaborating entities and sponsors have also been recognized.
Likewise, the prize has been awarded to the winner of the photo contest, which this year has fallen on Ginés Vergara.
It has also honored the true protagonists, who are the runners and runners;
That is why a recognition, on behalf of all the athletes, has been given to the most veteran participant in finishing the race, which this year has been Antonio Martínez Torralba.
The Admiral of Maritime Action thanked all the entities that have facilitated the organization, one more year, of the Route of Strengths, as well as the athletes and volunteers and the City of Cartagena.
All of them, as well as the test itself, leave the city in great place both in Spain and around the world, as indicated.
For Manuel de la Puente it is "a reason for pride for Cartagena and for all citizens to have this event" that has qualified as "sport reference."
The Colonel director of the EIMGAF, who has defined the Route of Strengths as "a benchmark test that has its own personality" and "to feel proud", is "more than consolidated" and that already Account "with prestige".
The beneficiary entities of the donation of the collection of the VIII Route of the Strengths of Cartagena 2017 are:
Alzheimer's Association of Cartagena (AFAL).
Home of the Childhood (Casa Cradle).
Caritas Diocesana, Diocese of Cartagena.
Food Bank of the Region of Murcia.
ASIDO Cartagena.
Fundación Tiovivo Equine therapy.
Pablo Ugarte Association against childhood cancer.
Solidarity dining room 'Jesus Teacher and Pastor' by Cáritas Diocesana.
Ladies of Carmen.
Club Deportivo Adaptado Icue Cartagena-Miralmonte.
Cystic Fibrosis Association of the Region of Murcia.
Home Association The Good Samaritan.
Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Benefit Association Hospitality Santa Teresa.
Spanish Red Cross, Regional Committee of Cartagena.
Association of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.
Multiple Sclerosis Association of Cartagena and Region.
ASTRADE Region of Murcia.
ASTEAMUR Region of Murcia.
APICES Cartagena.
La Huertecica Collective Association.
Association Rascasa.
Phone of Hope.
Cartagena for the Charity.
Santo Foundation and Royal Hospital of the Charity of Cartagena.
San Pedro Shop Asylum Foundation.
Association of Help and Research Personality Disorders in Cartagena, Comarca and Mar Menor.
Prometeo Association Torre Pacheco.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena