The Local Government Board has approved this morning, at the proposal of the Area of ​​Government of Transparency and Good Government directed by Juan Pedro Torralba, several calls for grants.
The first one, directed to associations of neighbors and commissions of parties that are not integrated in associations of neighbors, for the organization and annual realization of patronal celebrations or celebrations popular, more representative in the different districts and urban nuclei of the delegations, for The public procedure of competitive concurrence.
According to the foundations only an annual subsidy will be granted per neighborhood or population nucleus.
The total economic allocation will be 100,000 euros.
Likewise, the regulatory bases have been approved for the subsidies to neighborhood associations and citizen entities in the area of ​​municipal councils.
These grants will be granted for the promotion and implementation of activities that contribute to encourage citizen participation, associationism in all areas of action, as well as the maintenance of social venues.
The amount will be determined in the scope of the budget of each Neighborhood Board.
Likewise, the same grants have been approved for associations of neighbors registered in the register of associations that is outside the scope of the Neighborhood Boards.
For the latter will be allocated 188,500 euros.
Eligible expenses will be those associated with the maintenance, operation and instrumental equipment of the facilities and social headquarters of the associations.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena