This morning, under the chairmanship of the Councilor for Finance, Contracting and Patrimony, Isabel García, a new meeting of the Contracting Board of the City of Cartagena was held.
The appointment, which has been extended for four hours, has taken place in the administrative building of San Miguel.
It should be noted that, currently, some of the municipal contracts with a higher budget are in the bidding process, a process that is characterized by the criteria of transparency, objectivity and rigor that define the dynamics of this working group.
At this morning's meeting, the Bureau determined the award of the technical and economic advisory service contract for the water cycle of the Hon.
This determination comes after the study of the report made by the chief of conservation, who has understood that the offer presented is considered adequate and justified.
The total amount offered is 30,034.62 euros, representing a savings of 57.87% over the total bidding budget (71,291.32 euros).
Similarly, after the study of the report made by the technical manager of the area of ​​Culture and Heritage, has been awarded the service of tour guides, access control and custody of deposits, archaeological sites and cultural facilities to Patrimonio Inteligente, SL This report Clarifies that it presents a study of costs and collective agreement that justifies its offer, proposal that contemplates a discount of 30% on the budget of licitation.
Another contract dealt with in the Bureau has been the supply of street signs.
In this case, the award proposal has been made in favor of Mantenimiento y Gestiones Carthago, SL
Regarding the bidding process for the contract for protection equipment for municipal workers (EPIS), after the study of the documentation justifying technical solvency and capacity to act, it has been awarded to Pulido, SLNE, with a percentage of Discount of 21.21% on the bid price.
The Bureau has continued to deal with a number of calls for tenders that have been left at the expense of the technical services report on reckless casualties, before making the award proposals:
Electrical, electronic and event attendance at El Batel Auditorium.
At the Bureau this morning we have analyzed the cost studies to justify if the offers were adequate.
Canopies of bus stops for the Hon.
City council of Cartagena.
Four companies have been presented.
Management service of the Center of Day Stays of El Algar.
The technical reports of the nine companies that have been submitted to the tender have been studied and the economic proposals have been opened.
Management service of the Day Care Center of Los Dolores.
As in the center of El Algar, the technical reports of the nine companies submitted to the tender have been studied and the economic proposals have been opened.
Maintenance of the public thoroughfare, year 2017. Seventeen companies that have participated in the different lots have been presented.
LOT 2, DISTRICTS 1 and 2, LOT 3, DISTRICT 3, 5 and 6;
LOT 4, DISTRICT 7, and LOT 5, bacheo in the municipal term.
Life and accident insurance.
Five companies have presented themselves to this public competition.
Maintenance of fire protection facilities at El Batel Auditorium, Year 2017. The report of the municipal services on the technical offerings of the three bidding companies has been studied and the economic proposals have been opened.
Finally, the municipal services report on the technical proposals of the following contracts have been pending:
Pick up service (crane service).
Comprehensive management of the municipal tank of vehicles, as well as installation and removal of various temporary and portable traffic signage material on the public highway of the municipal district of Cartagena.
Four offers have been submitted.
Dining service for summer schools 2017.
Maintenance of the computer applications of the City of Cartagena.
Companies can collect information on the processes of public contracting in the Profile of the Employer that has a direct link on the website of the City of Cartagena.
Currently, the deadline for participation in the following contracts is open:
- Supply of integral software product for the adequacy of the operation of the Excmo.
City Council of Cartagena to the Law 39/2015 and Law 40/2015 of 1 October, of Legal Regime of the Public Sector;
As well as technical regulations that complement them, with a budget of 121,000 euros.
Deadline: May 18.
- Technical - stage management service, technical and stage production, support staff and infrastructure for the XXIII edition of the Festival 'La Mar de Músicas', with a budget of 77,440 euros.
Deadline: May 18.
- Summer schools organized by the City of Cartagena 2017, with a budget of 76,500 euros.
Deadline: May 19.
- Prevention service for the health monitoring of the Hon.
City Council of Cartagena, with a budget of 171,800 euros.
Deadline: May 23.
- Maintenance of elevators in several municipal buildings, with a budget of 98,397.20 euros.
Deadline: May 23.
- Maintenance of the different traffic control systems of the Hon.
City Council of Cartagena, with a budget of 137,000 euros.
Deadline: June 1st.
- Cleaning service of public schools.
2017-2020, with a budget of 16,364,000 euros.
Deadline: June 1st.
Negotiated procedure (telematic presentation)
- Multi-year maintenance of fire protection facilities in municipal buildings (2017 to 2021), with a bidding budget of 60,984.32 euros.
Deadline: May 29th.
Smaller contracts
See all processes open in this link.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena