The spokesman for the orange formation in Cartagena, Manuel Padin considers it "nonsense" that the mayor does not want to convene a working table with all the actors of the administration of justice in Cartagena because 'there are no news' "and the situation they suffer Officials, lawyers and users remain unbearable "
The mayor of Cartagena, José López, again demonstrates that he is an expert in selling smoke, distract public opinion, and disguise his inability to develop his plans and projects while Cartagena remains the same as two years ago, stagnant while other municipalities raise their heads .
"Speaking is easy and promising in front of the cameras and the micros that you are going to lower the water immediately or that you have put at the disposal of the Ministry the plot for the future City of Justice when it is not true it is very cheap but the lies have the Very short legs, because in the end the press, the one that bothers López so much, or the opposition groups will remember what you said and what you have done, "said the spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
According to the newspaper La Verdad published today and according to municipal government sources, 'the City Council has not yet ceded to the Ministry of Justice the land needed to build the new building next to the Mandarache shopping center'.
Cs Cartagena criticizes the argumentative arguments to justify the unjustifiable delay of this official assignment of the land, "almost two years ago, the mayor assured that he had made the plot available to the Ministry, in September 2016 he justified himself by saying that" there are things that And that the linkage of the judicial campus project to the arrival of the AVE was blocking the transfer of land "when space was sufficient for both projects, and now, after the release of the AVE to the area Of Mandarache in December 2015, the land is still not being ceded because the City will make a new reparcelling with no scheduled date. "Here everyone is working and pushing for the City of Justice to become a reality, (all groups in the Regional Assembly), less MC, and specifically the area of ​​work of José López that has to take the first step: to give way to location, "said Manuel
Padín The Citizens' Group considers that there are so many doubts, and so many excuses have been given that will present at the next municipal plenary a battery of questions to know what is happening, and why the government is delaying this whole matter.
On the other hand, the spokesman of the formation Orange considers it a "nonsense" that the mayor does not want to convene a working table with all actors of the administration of justice in Cartagena because there are 'no news', "of course there are no news , Everything is just as bad, there are no courts, no space, only a provincial court of mortgages in the city of Murcia, and that is why it is more necessary than ever to call that desk, but maybe the mayor is thinking In other things instead of worrying about the interests of the Carthaginians. "
Regarding the lack of space in the Palace of Justice, Cs Cartagena spokesman recalled that his Parliamentary Group has already manifested on several occasions in this respect, supported the motion on the construction of the City of Justice in Cartagena and has Denounced that the facilities of Ángel Bruna Street are insufficient, but "we will contact them again, and with our national deputies to study how the Government of the Popular Party, specifically its Ministry of Justice, abandon its indifference and begin to Respect and be sensitive to the judicial needs of Cartagena at once. "
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena