On Wednesday, May 3 will be the activities of the X Jornada de Personas Eldoris organized by the Council of Social Services of the City of Cartagena and the Federation of Associations and Centers of Older People of Cartagena and Comarca (FCM).
This year, under the motto "Cartagena en el memoria", participants will take a tour of all that they know and that characterizes the Comarca culture: legends, folklore, customs, streets, corners and traditions.
The inauguration of the day will take place at 10:30 am at the UNED headquarters in Cartagena, Calle Ingeniero La Cierva without number, which will be the responsibility of the deputy mayor, Ana Belén Castejón and the president of the FCM, María Beteta.
After this event, the following lectures will be held: 'Leyendas del Campo de Cartagena', 'La copla y flamenco en Cartagena', 'La carta modernista 1900-1916' and 'Historia y muestra del trovo'.
The day will close at 13:15 hours the mayor, José López, and the president of the organizing federation.
The event can register any person who is part of Associations and Elderly Centers of the Shire in the multipurpose room of the FCM located in Calle Mayor nº 28.
The presentation program is as follows:
10:15 a.m.
First Lecture: "Legends of the Field of Cartagena".
In charge of José Sánchez Conesa, Official Chronicler of Cartagena.
11:00 a.m.
Second Lecture: "La Copla and Flamenco in Cartagena".
In charge of Benito Martínez, Journalist and Doctor in Information Sciences.
11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
Third Lecture: "La Cartagena Modernista 1900-1916".
In charge of Juan Ignacio Ferrández García, Official Chronicler of Cartagena.
12:30 a.m.
Fourth Lecture: "History and Sample of Trovo".
In charge of Juan José García Parra, President of the Association Trovera José María Marín.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena