The Department of Social Services and Social Mediation, in collaboration with various Cartagena entities that work in a coordinated way with this area and who are committed to coexistence, intercultural dialogue, positive management of diversity and the fight against racism and xenophobia, Have launched the Network of Reception and Integration of Refugees of the Municipality of Cartagena.
The delegate councilor for Social Services and Social Mediation, Carmen Martín del Amor, and the Accem coordinator, Mohammed Kebaili, presented this project on Tuesday morning.
It is a program that will consist of an Action Plan established in five areas of work and lines of action, which are: Social Services line, Housing line, Education line, Training and Employment line and Information and awareness line , With a catalog of own resources and specific for each one.
To this end, the Coordination Bureau has been organized, through working groups that will function based on a calendar of meetings in which each administrative unit and institution will delegate to a professional or representative.
The periodicity of its meetings shall be every two months.
In May, both the Bureau and the working groups will be formed.
This idea is born as a response to the serious humanitarian crisis facing Europe with the massive arrival of people seeking international protection from the Middle East, mainly Italy and Greece.
It should be recalled that the European Commission has proposed its relocation in the member states, according to the agreement reached in September 2015, and that the City of Cartagena assumed the declaration of 'city-refuge' for this same reason, also approved in the plenary session September 2015, integrating with it in the Intermunicipal Network of Reception to Refugees.
"We have committed ourselves to promoting awareness-raising and information activities for the development of human rights, including the right of asylum and refuge, and has intervened in the eradication of xenophobic, discriminatory or racist messages to the refugee migrant population that may contribute To racist or violent attitudes toward these people, "said Carmen Martín del Amor.
The mayor of Social Services and Social Mediation has explained that, without being a direct responsibility of the municipalities, refugee reception must necessarily count on them to guarantee a dignified reception and adequate protection, and has been willing to achieve with this initiative The immigrants find themselves with dignified conditions and protect their rights as individuals.
"It is our duty to assist people in danger or who ask for help," he said.
Mohammed Kebaili, for his part, recalled that the Government of Spain undertook to relocate and exceptionally resettle over a period of two years to 17,000 people based on decisions taken by the Council of Europe.
As of today, only 1,167 people have arrived and it is not going to fulfill the quota of the commitment that Spain acquired in due course.
The Accem coordinator lamented that the refugees no longer open covers, although their drama continues.
"We understand that solidarity is going to have to be transferred to the responsibility," he added, while at the same time he has opted to facilitate the integration and coexistence of these people.
With this plan, said Kebaili, "ratifies what has already been done in this municipality for a long time" in this matter.
"We are doing an act of responsibility, apart from solidarity. We need professional people behind to take what we have right now," he said.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena