The spokesperson for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, said that "until recently it was unthinkable that such an initiative would have a chance of getting ahead in Cartagena, but now that the absolute majorities have disappeared, we have taken the opportunity to create a new Instrument of control "
The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena celebrates the final approval, with its publication yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, the amendment of the Organic Regulation of the Plenary of the City of Cartagena which includes article 72 bis: "Debate On the state of the municipality ".
The Ordinary Plenum of the City Council of Cartagena approved in December, on the proposal of citizens, the draft amendment to establish annually, in July, this debate.
The initiative was approved unanimously.
The orange formation has always defended that a municipality with more than 217,000 inhabitants and with such a complex administrative organization, must, as it does now, count on an effective instrument of control and analysis of the actions that are developed in each legislature, not only To communicate to the public the state of execution of the projects of the local Government, but to make a complete radiograph of where and under what conditions Cartagena is at a certain time of the year.
From the formation orange consider that the most appropriate tool for this would be the annual celebration of a full monographic to discuss the state of the municipality.
"Until recently, it was unthinkable that such an initiative would have a chance of getting ahead in Cartagena, but now that the absolute majorities have disappeared, we have had the opportunity to create a new instrument of control," says Manuel Padín.
"Today we win in democracy, the government wins in transparency and the opposition gains in control capacity," explained the spokesman.
Padín wanted to thank the support of all municipal groups and their height "with this debate, the municipal government will have the opportunity to be accountable for its annual management and to report, on the one hand, those strategic actions carried out, And on the other hand, of those matters that could not be settled within the prescribed time limits ".
In addition, for the local spokesman "the opposition groups could transfer to the citizens the deficiencies detected in the functioning of the Executive".
Article 72a.
"Debate on the state of the municipality".
The Mayor-Presidency will convene once a year, in July, an extraordinary session of the Plenary only to discuss the state of the municipality.
There will be no room to hold such a debate during the year in which the municipal elections were held, or the election of a new Mayor has taken place, either because of the previous one or because a motion of censure has been approved.
2. The Mayor shall be responsible for the first presentation on the general situation of the municipality and the lines of its governing action.
After a recess, the Spokespersons of the different Municipal Groups will intervene, from greater to lesser representativeness, for a time not exceeding 25 minutes each.
The municipal group that belongs to the Government will intervene last.
3. After the intervention of the spokespersons, the Mayor-Presidency, if it deems it appropriate, will reply without a time limit.
Then, a 10-minute turn by Municipal Group will be opened, concluded, which, if the Mayor-Presidency deems it appropriate, will close the debate, ending the session.
4. No special agreements shall be adopted at this special session. "
Against the aforementioned agreement, which is final in administrative proceedings, a contentious-administrative appeal may be lodged with the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Region of Murcia, within a period of two months from the following day To that of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region.
All this without prejudice to the fact that he may exercise any other recourse or action he deems appropriate.
Source: C Cartagena