The Citizens spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, explained that "we know that the first option that was announced from the Consistory was to move the kiosks Barrio Peral, Las Seiscientas, Pozo Estrecho and Villalba after the summer, and that everything was subject to the Study of the state of the structures, but it has been more than 8 months since the study began, and it is time to have a response, "
The Municipal Group of Citizens wants to clarify what will be the destination of the kiosks removed from the esplanade of the Port of Cartagena, and to get it will raise several questions related to this matter to the next municipal plenary.
The orange training will ask if the local government has already evaluated the status of dismantled kiosks, and what use they want to give.
In addition, Citizens wants to know if there is a definite location for any of these structures and if a plan or project has been developed in these months to take advantage of them.
In the Municipal Plenary of July 2016, the Municipal Group CTSSP-We asked a series of questions in this regard.
On the part of the Government team responded the Councilwoman of Transparency, Maria José Soler, who argued that at that time despite having the locations projected and consulted with the neighbors, the state of the kiosks after their dismantling was not known, that the utilization Of them would be "suitable to their nature as a kiosk, unless they can be used for other uses" and that the "prudent" was not to indicate at that time where they would be located.
The Citizens spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, explained that "we know that the first option that was announced from the Consistory was to move the kiosks Barrio Peral, Las Seiscientas, Pozo Estrecho and Villalba after the summer, and that everything was subject to the study Of the state of the structures, it has been more than 8 months since the study began its state, and it is time to have an answer, to this day the state of the kiosks as their possible reuse by the City Council remains An unknown, and all in spite of that we have recently known through the newspaper The Truth that the Association of Neighbors of Barrio Peral claims the use of one of them for its weekly market.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena