Francisco de la Cerra Martínez, has been elected Procesionist of the Year 2017 for three decades. The election has been conducted by a jury presided over by the mayor, José López. Have participated the Councilor of Culture, David Martinez Noguera, along with representatives of the Foundation of the Prize, led by its president, Santiago Día Izquierdo, four brotherhoods of Holy Week and former processionists of the year,
As soon as the decision of the jury is known, the honoree has been called and has come to receive the personal congratulations in the halls of the Royal Economic Society of Ancient of the Country, where the jury has gathered.
Later it has posed with the jury to the doors of Sana Maria of Garci'a, from where they leave the cartageneras processions.
The award ceremony will take place next Friday March 31 in the main lobby of the Palace Hall.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena