The president and manager of the Local Development and Employment Agency (ADLE), Ana Belén Castejón and Manuel Mora, met this morning with the diocesan delegate of Caritas, Francisco Montesinos, and with the manager of the dining room Jesús, Maestro y Pastor , Juan Luis Quevedo, to concretize the collaboration by which the students of the mixed program of employment and training 'Three Tenedores' will provide dinner to this charity for nine months.
Forty students of the Three Forks program that are being formed in the specialties of Basic Operations of Cooking;
Restaurant and Kitchen Services, will prepare dinners in the kitchens of the ADLE, located in La Milagrosa, and the D'Casa catering will be moved to the dining room, where the students will also serve.
"This is a project with a high social content, so we achieve a double objective: to train our students and to help a charity that works great in our society." This is a clear example of the transversal actions we are putting into March in the ADLE to take full advantage of the resources we have, "said Deputy Mayor Ana Belén Castejón.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena