In an act celebrated in the office of the RURAL REGIONAL CAJA in the street of the Air of Cartagena, was presented the benefits of the concert offered by the OSRM in the Auditorium El Batel on the occasion of the X Gala Cartagena by the Charity.
The benefits amounted to € 4,508.18 which were shared equally between the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER), Spanish Association Against Cancer Local Board of Cartagena (AECC) and Association of relatives and friends of patients with Alzheimer's and other dementias Neurodegenerative diseases of Cartagena and Comarca (AFAL).
The heels with the money raised were collected by Andrés Torres García (representative of FEDER), Raul Nieto Galera (AFAL Manager) and Mª Eugenia Cánovas González (Vice President of the AECC).
The presentation was attended by Matías Barco and Isabel Mota, President and Vice-President, respectively, of the Cartagena Charity Association for Charity and the Director of the Caja Rural Regional branch, Manuel Miralles Alcobas, who was accompanied by the Manager Alfonso Ros Gómez.
Source: Agencias