The spokesperson for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, believes that "it is a complex issue and has no easy solution, what is clear is that all the work being done at the Table of the Covenant at Night must materialize at some point In an ambitious and multidisciplinary alternative leisure program to alcohol for young people, and that this plan should be allocated a budget line for its development "
The Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, met with the president of the Association of Hosteleros of Cartagena and Comarca (Hostecar), Juan José López, and the secretary, Rafael Candel, at its headquarters in Plaza de España.
During the meeting they discussed, among other matters, the joint work being done between this association and the City Council to reconcile the rest of the neighbors with the hospitality industry.
The meeting also served to collect the position of Hostecar before the plans of the City of Cartagena to create an ociódromo in the camp of Troops and Legions.
The president of Hostecar transferred to the spokesman of the orange formation his concern that the ociódromo or botellódromo permanently installed in the festive enclosure, they would only accept that that happened in specific moments, otherwise would suppose, for them, to incentivize the consumption of drinks Alcoholic beverages on public roads and would seriously damage the sector they represent.
They also expressed their wish that the ordinance be hardened to prevent alcohol consumption in the street.
On the other hand, Manuel Padín, warns that "the ordinances are subject to the norms of superior rank, and in this sense, the current Law of Citizen Security does not make clear this subject in the famous point 17 of Light Faults, in any case we follow Very pending that Law against the consumption of alcohol that is brewing from this month within the Joint Congress-Senate Commission for Drug Use, because it will definitely mark the work of local corporations throughout Spain. "
The spokesperson for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, believes that "it is a complex issue and has no easy solution, what is clear is that all the work being done at the Table of the Covenant at Night must materialize at some point In an ambitious and multidisciplinary plan of leisure alternative to alcohol for young people, and that this plan should have a budget allocation for its development, in other words, in the end, we need a general strategy financed to reduce the practice of the bottle in our city , And we must explore all the sports or cultural alternatives that exist today, in addition to insisting on bold and incisive awareness campaigns among the young.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena