MC will shortly present an initiative to the entrepreneurs of the Region of Cartagena for the creation in the Industrial Camp of the Camachos of the logistic agro-alimentary zone 'MercaCampodeCartagena'.
The formulation of a proposal in this regard in the municipal plenary is also under study.
MercaCampodeCartagena is based on the need to respond to the needs and growth expectations of the agro-food industry of the Campo de Cartagena, the most important in southeast Spain.
The financing for the future agro-food logistics area of ​​the Region of Campo de Cartagena can come, as in the case of identical infrastructures installed in the rest of the State, in different ways: City council;
Private investors and Mercasa, a public company of the State Administration, whose shareholders are the Sociedad Estatal de Participações Industriales (SEPI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Mercasa has promoted and manages, along with their respective town halls, a Network of Mercas, which has 23 food units distributed throughout the national geography.
It should be noted that the province of Cadiz has two Mercas (Algeciras and Jerez de la Frontera), a fact that would coincide with the CARM where the already existing in Murcia would add that would have as a reference to the Campo de Cartagena in the Industrial Area of The Camachos.
The president and spokesman of MC, Jesus Giménez, explained that the initiative of the Cartagena formation proposes "the study of the installation in the Polygon of Camachos of an agro-food logistics area, which would come to serve this powerful industry of our Region Who is in need of that platform that allows him to compete and develop his activity in better conditions. "
Giménez also highlighted "the positive effect as a creator of economic activity in Los Camachos industrial estate that would have the installation of MercaCampodeCartagena, a location that should also accommodate the necessary Logistics Storage Zone, the authentic regional ZAL, whose Natural location is Cartagena, because from all organisms has always been linked these facilities to a port infrastructure, a fact that happens, as we all know, in our municipality and not 50 kilometers inland.
Regarding the Industrial Park of Los Camachos, it is worth remembering that MC defends the transfer to this location of the Franco Depot, which would be the germ of the future ZAL.
Without doubt, the installation of MercaCampodeCartagena in the Los Camachos Industrial Estate, in connection with the ZAL and the proximity of the port of Cartagena, would lead to the emergence of synergies and key opportunities for the future of the Region.
The president of MC also recalled the need to move ahead on other outstanding issues in infrastructure such as the Beniel baipas, whose construction will be part of the arrival of high speed to Cartagena as confirmed by the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transportation And Housing, Julio Gómez-Pomar, last December 13th.
Finally, Jesús Giménez stated that "we would like the municipalities of the Comarca to join this joint venture of public / private capital and launch that MercaCampodeCartagena, which should serve along with the Zach Los Camachos to create the reference logistics area Of the Spanish Levante.This MercaCampodeCartagena would come to abound in the need to generate economic activity and employment to offer future opportunities for the citizens of our Region. "
Source: MC