The plenary of the municipal corporation has celebrated Friday the 30th of December the last meeting of the year, a new session, because it has been retransmitted for the first time in sign language for people with hearing impairment, and fruitful in the approval of Initiatives, ten motions of the twelve presented, of which, in addition, six have gone ahead with the favorable vote of all the groups.
Thus, the corporation has been unanimous in defending the implementation of actions aimed at achieving compliance with the Law on evictions;
On AIDS and the defense of the rights of people with HIV;
The BIC declaration for the Casa del Niño;
That schools educate in the respect of democratic values ​​and prevent discrimination and harassment;
Facilitate the creation of the College of Social Graduates of Cartagena and develop a plan to improve the Torres Park.
Among the questions, a little more than twenty, the reform of the Santa Florentina Market and the new refurbished posts have been brought to the attention of CTSSP, an issue on which the Deputy Mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, recalled that there are 16 The posts reformed, some of which have been grouped resulting in a total of 10 commercial units, of the four are fruit and vegetable and the remaining four are to be determined.
The administrative procedure is in final phase for the adjudication of 20 vacant posts, 7 double and 6 individual posts, for which 8 applications have been submitted and, if awarded, 5 remain to be filled.
At the closing of the session, the mayor, José López, congratulated the New Year on all Cartagena and wanted prosperity for the city.
Among the initiatives approved, the following were unanimously approved:
The joint motion of MC, PSOE, CTSSP and CD, presented by María Teresa Sánchez, to urge the government council to develop the Housing Law of the region and the Statute of Consumers and Users of the region to address as soon as possible The problem of the evictions that thousands of people and families live in Cartagena, as well as to urge him to defend the full constitutionality of this law before the Bilateral Commission for Cooperation General Administration of the Autonomous Community.
The motion presented by all municipal groups, MC, PSOE, CTSSP, CD and PP, and exposed by Pilar Marcos, to urge the Regional Assembly to, in turn, urge the governing council to facilitate access to the test Rapid HIV infection in health centers, non-clinical settings and support social entities working in the detection;
Guarantee the rights of people with HIV, carry out specific prevention programs, guarantee housing and food to support the treatment of people in a social emergency, activate the Regional Advisory Committee on HIV / AIDS created in 1998 and without activity actually.
The motion of MC with PSOE adhesion, presented by Ricardo Segado, to urge the General Directorate of Cultural Assets the opening of BIC for the Casa del Niño.
The motion of the PSOE with the adhesion of the MC, presented by David Martínez, to urge the education council to remind the management teams of the schools the need to educate in the principles and democratic values ​​included in the Constitution, with special care in The material that is disseminated among the students, as well as preserving a good coexistence in the centers, understanding diversity as a value and creating the conditions to prevent manifestations of bullying or discrimination.
The motion of the PSOE with the adhesion of MC, presented by Ana Belén Castejón, urging the parliamentary groups in the Regional Assembly to adopt the measures to facilitate the creation of the College of Social Graduates of Cartagena.
The Citizens' motion presented by Manuel Padín for the elaboration of a comprehensive improvement plan for the Torres Park, which includes facilitating access, contesting the restaurant, rethinking the price of the tourist lift, reinforcing the number of activities to attract visitors and Promote the area through communication campaigns.
Other motions have also been approved, some of them jointly:
The joint motion of MC, PSOE and CTSSP by which the council will urge the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community to contemplate in a specific item in the budgets of 2017 to comply with the health law of the region for full operation Del Rosell as a general hospital, as well as to request the municipal legal services to study possible legal measures against non-compliance with this law.
He has gone ahead with the votes in favor of MC, PSOE and CTSSP;
Against the PP and abstention of citizens.
The motion of MC with PSOE adherence, presented by Councilman Ricardo Segado, to urge the General Directorate of Youth of the Autonomous Community to increase its own funds through its budget for the Youth Guarantee System, by paying with the regional budgets the Activities of the General Directorate and avoiding the limitation of the European contribution to the City of Cartagena.
It has been approved with the votes in favor of MC, PSOE, CTSSP and Citizens, and against PP.
The motion of MC with PSOE adhesion, presented by Francisco Calderón, agreeing to the creation of a working table coordinated by the Department of Environment, in which all the necessary agents are represented that elaborate a definitive and ambitious approach to give back to our Mounts its original vegetation cover and guarantee the pure air for our children, as well as the beauty of having future areas of recreation for visitors and foreigners.
The motion was approved with the votes in favor of MC, PSOE, CTSSP and Citizens, and against the PP.
The motion of CTSSP presented by Pilar Marcos, whereby the plenary expresses its solidarity and support to the workers of La Manga Club who have been dismissed by successive labor reforms, advocating the prompt and favorable resolution of the conflict, and transferring The agreement to the Company Committee and the Management of La Manga Club.
It has counted on the favorable vote of CTSSP, PSOE, MC and Citizens, and the abstention of the PP.
Finally, two initiatives have been rejected:
The CTSSP motion presented by Pilar Marcos showing the rejection of the El Gorguel macropuerto project, based on environmental, cultural and social reasons, as well as taking into account economic and productive variables that show that the works will not be beneficial to the municipality.
In addition to betting on the optimization of the facilities of the macropuerto and its use at full capacity, following the European recommendations and working in the line of the sustainable management of our infrastructures.
It has been rejected with the votes in favor of CTSSP;
Against PP, Citizens and MC;
And abstention of the PSOE.
The motion of the PP presented by Francisco Espejo to recover in the budget of 2017 subsidies to the Association Radio Taxi Cartagena and promote improvements in the sector.
It has finally been rejected with the vote in favor of PP and Citizens, and against PSOE, MC and CTSSP.
For the first time in the history of the municipality of Cartagena, this has been broadcasted in an accessible way for people with hearing disabilities, for which the City Council, through the Unit of Persons with Disabilities of the Department of Social Services and Social Mediation, in collaboration With the Association of Parents of Children with Hearing Impairments (APANDA) and FIAPAS, the Federation that includes all the associations of the branch, has had two sign language translators throughout the celebration of the plenary session.
This test, which has been successfully completed, will serve as an experience for future issues, since with this the City intends to fulfill its commitment in the area of ​​accessibility with all people who face daily to some type of disability.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena