The Local Development and Employment Agency (ADLE) will create an Observatory of the Socioeconomic Reality of the Municipality next year, which will allow an up-to-date knowledge of specific aspects related to economy and employment in Cartagena.
We want to launch numerous actions and consider that the best way to do this is to know exactly what the economic reality of the municipality.
With the data that we receive from the Observatory, we will know in detail what our companies and the unemployed in the municipality need, said the deputy mayor and president of the Local Development and Employment Agency, Ana Belén Castejón.
The manager of the ADLE, Manuel Mora, presented Monday the proposal to the members of the governing council, who also explained the schedule of actions in the different areas facing the next year.
These activities include the following courses and workshops:
Within the Mixed Programs of Training and Employment modality, the following courses are offered: Three Holders and Integral Care for Dependence in Social Institutes.
In the form of Workers in Assets: Sale Oline and Management of Local Tourism Training.
In the mode of Unemployed: Restaurant, Kitchen, Plumbing, Auxiliary Operator of Mounting of Electrical Networks, Dynamization of Leisure Activities and Auxiliary Operator of Electrotechnical Installations.
In the modality of Formative Itineraries: Creation and Management of Microenterprises and Plumbing.
In the modality of Youth Guarantee: Administrative Management Activities (two courses) Auxiliary Operator of Assembly of Electrotechnical Facilities, Attention to the Dependence in the Home, Attention to the Dependence in Social Institutions and Put In March Your Bar Restaurant.
The governing council of the ADLE has also approved the granting of a grant to the Federation of Associations of Murcianas of Physically Handicapped (FAMDIF), worth 12,000 euros.
Through this grant we provide support to the labor intermediation service offered in our municipality, explains Manuel Mora.
Finally, the governing council of the ADLE has approved the budget of this body for next year, amounting to 2,237,169 euros.
The budget has experienced a growth of about 270,000 euros that allows us to face better conditions to 2017 to face new challenges, said Manuel Mora.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena