Popular councilors Antonio Calderón and Carolina Palazón visited this morning the Torre Nazaret Home, to mark the World AIDS Day that is celebrated today.
"This morning this entity was planning to set up an information desk in San Sebastián Square, but the rain prevented it, so we wanted to visit its facilities," said Calderón, who added that "it is necessary to give Visibility to a disease that is still very present in our society and generate a greater awareness of what HIV implies. "
For Calderón "it is necessary to sensitize all citizens and to highlight the important role of this entity in Cartagena. We must thank the joint work of all those who through their commitment to patients are involved day by day, directly or indirectly , In the care of people with HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. "
In this sense, the Popular Group wants to highlight the importance of prevention and knowledge of the disease to fight against HIV infection.
Hogar Torre Nazaretes, the program of the San Pedro Asylum Shop Foundation dedicated to the reception of HIV-AIDS patients mainly in the terminal phase or with advanced disease criteria, responding to the problem of AIDS in Cartagena and the Region of Murcia.
The program is developed since 1995.
Source: PP Cartagena