Twenty-nine young people, under the age of thirty, today received the diploma of the Lean Emprende program of CEEIC, whose objective is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit through innovative and creative methodologies.
Of these, fourteen have found employment.
Deputy Mayor Ana Belén Castejón congratulated these young entrepreneurs for completing the program and overcoming the fear of failure that sometimes paralyzes entrepreneurship projects, as well as the coordination of CEEIC, SEF, ADLE and the City Council for The development of Lean Emprende.
The event was attended by Deputy Mayor Ana Belén Castejón, the director of the CEEIC, Ángel Martínez, the person in charge of the Lean Emprende project, José Carlos García, the SEF deputy director, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez, and the president of CEEIC And director of INFO, Javier Celdrán.
In addition to recognizing the work of the students of Lean Emprende and reviewing the different phases of the program, from the ECTS have wanted to highlight the support that has received this program from the Young Space of the City of Cartagena and The Local Development and Employment Agency (ADLE), giving them a thank-you card.
At the event, he recalled each of his entrepreneurial projects of the Lean Emprende, aimed at beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee, noting that with this platform 8 new projects have been launched and 14 of these students have found a job.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena