The Local Government Board of Cartagena, chaired by the mayor, José López, has agreed this morning to request the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the exercise of competencies in assessment procedures Environmental conditions that affect certain urban plans.
As explained by the mayor, this measure would contribute to rationalize the processes and improve the response times of public urban planning services.
The powers to be requested are those of the environmental body for the processing of urban planning instruments that are subject to "simplified strategic environmental assessment", as established by Decree-Law 2/2016 of April 20, Of urgent measures for the reactivation of business and employment through liberalization and the elimination of bureaucratic burdens.
López has assured that the City of Cartagena is in a position to assume this competence since it has the necessary technical, administrative and financial means, besides fulfilling the requirement of being a municipality of more than 50,000 inhabitants.
The granting of the petition will facilitate the processing of the simplest urban plans, which develop in detail the growth of the city and urban centers and in which the effects on the environment are limited, such as those proposing minor modifications of General and development planning, partial and special plans that establish the use, at the municipal level, of small areas.
In this way it will be able to advance in the reduction and simplification of the administrative procedures for the development of the urban planning of detail without dispensing with the necessary integration of the environmental aspects in the elaboration of the different plans.
All this, has concluded the mayor, would result in a better service to the citizens of the municipality, reducing the time of response to citizens, deepening the simplifying line in administrative processing, avoiding duplication and, generally, generating a net saving Resources.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena