The Recruitment Bureau this morning, in the administrative building of San Miguel, held a new meeting under the chairmanship of the Deputy Councilor for Finance, Contracting and Patrimony, Isabel García.
During the session it has been realized the adjudications of different negotiated procedures:
Replacement of tree grates and trees in Prince Street of Asturias, Maintenance and Works of the South, SL, for an amount of 17,861 euros (being the exit budget of 31,163.66 euros), which represents a saving of 42.68%.
Maintenance of the municipal transformation centers, for 2017 and 2018, to Acma Ensayos, SL, for an amount of 17,000 euros (being the bidding budget of 54,000 euros), which represents a saving of 41.67%.
Supply of banks and bins for various areas of Cartagena, to Mariano Conesa SL, with a discount rate of 23.74% over the prices established in the technical specifications.
Fiber optic connection and supply of CCTV cameras and motors on Skate track in Cartagena, to Ticomsa Sistemas, SL, awarded for the amount of the bidding budget (13,587.67 euros), being the only company that fulfilled the deadline Of execution of the work.
Likewise, the administrative and economic documents of three contracts have been opened that follow a telematic procedure for their adjudication.
Fifteen companies have submitted their proposals for the improvement of lighting in the table tennis pavilion of Cuatro Santos in order to replace existing luminaires with LED-type luminaires in order to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption.
Likewise, four companies opt for the contract for the organization of the 'Christmas Schools 2016' Educational Programs, whose purpose is to create an open space of coexistence among children of the city, with playful, sporting, cultural and social activities that encourage a use Responsible for leisure and free time, education in values ​​and equality between women and men, focusing on Christmas, the various Christmas events, the family and the decoration of spaces with Christmas motifs.
On the other hand, it has also been known the administrative and economic documentation regarding the supply of floats for the Cavalcade of Kings, Christmas 2016-2017.
In relation to the tender of the works for the construction of an artificial grass soccer field in Barriada José María de Lapuerta, once the technical report prior to the award has been studied, the envelopes containing the economic proposals have been opened, referring them to The technical services to issue the economic report that determines the existence of casualties that may be considered abnormal or disproportionate.
Once this point is resolved, it will be awarded.
The companies can gather information on the processes of public contracting in the Profile of the Employer that has a direct link in the web of the City council of Cartagena (
Currently, the deadline for participation in the following contracts is open:
- Supply of heating oil for the City of Cartagena, year 2017, with a bidding budget of 113,700 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 18 November.
- Supply of natural gas for several supply points of the City of Cartagena, with a bidding budget of 72,600 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 18 November.
- Technical assistance in insurance matters for the City of Cartagena, its autonomous agencies and municipal company, with a bidding budget of 199,200 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 18 November.
- Corporate printing and photocopying service, with a bidding budget of 482,400 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 28 November.
- Disinsection, deratization and control of pigeons and seagulls, with a bidding budget of 901,965.17 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 28 November.
- Electricity supply in medium voltage, 2016 and 2017, with a bidding budget of 1,202,401.20 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 2 December.
- Maintenance of the municipal schools of Cartagena and its term, with a bidding budget of 238,146.52 euros.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 2 December.
- Installation of municipal playgrounds in Manuel de Falla square in the San Cristóbal neighborhood.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 17 November.
Maximum amount (VAT included): 5,998.94 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena