The processionist, mahogany, Ginés Fernández Garrido, will be the proclaimer of cartagenera Semana Santa in 2017. His election by the Junta de Cofradías was communicated by telephone last night from the mayor, José López, who waits for him to make a plea full of experiences, Because he feels the holy week on all four sides. "
The mayor had previously received, as is traditional, the older brothers in the Palace Hall.
Ginés Fernández Garrido, 62, married and father of a daughter, is a person very involved in the processions and religious traditions of the city.
At the moment it is commissary of Protocol of the Brotherhood Marraja and in 2005 was chosen Processionista of the Year.
Belonging since its foundation, the Association of Students Christ of Medinaceli and Holy Women of the brotherhood marraja.
In addition, he is a teseorero and responsible for protocol of the Board of Government of the Hospital de la Caridad and has also been habitual in his participation in the particular Thursday of Ash that every year organizes the Brotherhood of the Virgin of Caridad Cartageneros in Madrid, while State destined in the capital of Spain like military juridical.
The election of the preacher of the Holy Week of Cartagena, declared of international tourist interest, has been advancing to these dates during the last years to facilitate the fitting of agenda of the designated person.
The other distinction of the Guild of Guilds, the Nazarene Major, will occur as usual a few days before Ash Wednesday.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena