A team of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has obtained the exclusive concession of the first patent with prior review (B2) that is granted globally on a version of ABS plastic improved thanks to graphene (crystalline carbon material pure hexagonal single atom thick).
The process described in the patent is able to achieve a "superplastic" more resilient, tenacious and resilient than the original, by the homogeneous dispersion in the matrix of graphene that the research team itself produces in their laboratories.
All necessary to develop this new material process has required more than four years of work and has been funded entirely with UPCT own resources, so the Polytechnic owns exclusive rights all this technology.
The Acrionitrilo-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) is known as the engineering plastic, because its preparation and processing are more complex than those of common plastics.
The ABS is a thermoplastic widely used in automotive and industrial and domestic uses other both being highly resistant to impacts.
It is also one of the main materials used for 3D printing.
"The vast majority of patents on technologies related to graphene requested from China and are of A1.
This means they are only requests and who have not passed any prior review or verification of any kind.
A patent type B2 is already a concession firm that has been granted after a thorough preliminary examination by the Patent Office, "explains Beatriz Miguel, dean of research.
"China is very interested in reaching Europe in technological heritage and unfortunately cyber espionage is something to the agenda in fields such as nanotechnology.
This patent is very robust and legally protect the rights if necessary UPCT in terms of intellectual property, "he adds."
Source: UPCT