The Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, which has met with local spokesman for Citizens, Manuel Padin, says it is urgent to set up as soon as possible the partnership between public and entities business groups to the area of logistics activities in Los Camachos a reality
Manuel Padin says not understand "what is waiting for the Popular Party to bring the motion to public debate, of course that neither can nor wants to wait is Cartagena"
Cartagena, Wednesday 5 October-.
Cartagena citizens continues its round of contacts with the aim of promoting the area of ​​logistics activities in the industrial area of ​​Los Camachos.
This time, the city spokesman orange training, Manuel Padin, met with the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, with its president, Miguel Martinez, and its general secretary, Ramiro Alonso.
The main issue discussed during the meeting was the extreme urgency of which is formed as soon as possible a consortium to expedite the ZAL, composed by the Port Authority, the FROET, Transport Centre Cartagena and deposit Franco, companies in the transport sector, COEC, chamber of Commerce, City Hall, INFO, and SEPES.
Both Miguel Martínez and Ramiro Alonso agreed to ensure that it is necessary to start walking as soon as possible the creation of the consortium is the sine qua non for the LAZ is a reality, that without the formalization of that table dialogue, strategy and organization of the logistics area between the main actors involved is not possible.
Moreover, also it urges the contact between the state and the Port Authority and SEPES to join the project of logistics platform in Cartagena.
Among other issues, the leaders of the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena stressed that right now the services provided at the Center for Transportation Cartagena are "collapsed" and that the demand for space by companies is every day higher.
Citizens reported that the Popular Party Parliamentary Group has already registered a motion precisely requires both the constitution of the consortium as contact with the Port Authority and SEPES to join the logistics platform of Cartagena.
The motion was filed in the Regional Assembly for the Popular Party on May 19 and since then, despite the urgency described by the Chamber of Commerce, the popular group the not proposed any Board of Spokesmen and blocks its discussion and possible approval at the plenary session of the Assembly.
Citizen makes clear that while this motion, with that content, is registered, no other Parliamentary Group may file an initiative in the same direction.
Citizens spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padin says not understand "what is waiting for the Popular Party to bring the motion to public debate and require the consortium course which neither can nor want to wait is Cartagena."
Padin said that "we know that time is short, we know that the own Chamber of Commerce and many employers are demanding, we know that within a few days leave to tender the feasibility studies of the LAZ in Los Camachos, and therefore, this organization between state, regional and local public entity has already sit at a table to organize the next steps. "
"No doubt that our colleagues in the Parliamentary Group of Citizens support the creation of the consortium as have the opportunity to do so."
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena