Teaching innovation has focused the 'lectio' of Maria Dolores de Miguel Gomez during his 'lectio' in the act of academic openness of public universities in the Region of Murcia, held this morning in the auditorium of the UPCT.
"After a long journey at the University keep asking me questions about how I can improve my classes", said the professor of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
Miguel has stressed the idea that "the time of interaction between teachers and students should be devoted to activities that provide greater value added", relying on techniques such as reverse learning, just in time education, gamification, digital tutorials with answers for all students, individualized instruction and formative assessment "to reduce the work or make it more efficient."
"Innovation requires new patterns of behavior, as the different role of students in the process of teaching and learning, enhancing their autonomy and develop their skills and competencies," he added.
Professor of UPCT, who heads the Acadia project, funded by the program of educational innovation Edulink II of the European Union to promote development in Third World countries, has also noted that there is a clear trend of traditional universities towards adaptation dual systems or blended learning.
Data such as that 95% of students and a slightly lower number of teachers use institutional platforms of virtual teaching confirm that the incorporation of technology at Spanish universities has been constant, with only 19% of teaching posts not connected to Internet and multimedia projector, although the number of computers in classrooms teaching has declined since 2013 from 95,000 to 82,000 computers, according to reports from the Conference of Rectors collected by Maria Dolores de Miguel.
Source: UPCT