The Maritime Rescue vessel Clara Campoamor will be visitable on 5 October at an open day to mark the Day of Man of the Sea Citizens and visitors can learn about this boat and the significance of their actions to protect the lives of fishermen .
This morning, the mayor of Cartagena, Jose Lopez, has received the Harbour Master of Cartagena, Oscar Villar, and the Head of Maritime Rescue, Sergio Rodriguez, that forwarded its intention to disclose the rescue ship Maritimo, highlighting the importance of the Port of Cartagena and its maritime projection.
During the morning of Day 5 and October 12, the ship will dock at the cruise ship dock so that all stakeholders can come on board and visit, knowing the critical parts of the ship.
The idea is to convey the importance of the maritime unit, which has as its mission the fight against marine pollution, towing of ships or saving lives in a minimum response time to avoid incidents or risks on the coast.
The mayor of Cartagena, Jose Lopez, thanked the involvement coastguard to carry out these important actions to Cartagena for being linked to the sea.
As indicated by the Maritime Rescue Chief, Sergio Rodriguez, these actions are also intended to create maritime vocations, make people can study and train sailors, fishermen and military with love the sea.
DAY OF CREATION Maritime Provinces
Also on Wednesday October 5 Day creation Maritime Provinces with the hoisting of the flag of the maritime province of Cartagena in the City Hall will be held.
The event will be invited to participate Navy and the Marine Corps band.
The Clara Campoamor also hoisted the flag on the ship.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena