This morning was held under the chairmanship of the council delegate of Finance, Contracting and Heritage, Isabel Garcia, a new meeting of the Board of Trade in which has been awarded the contract implementation, data migration, training and provision of digital service single electronic file.
The company that has been awarded is Odilo, amounting to 171,820 euros.
The contract, which lasts four years extendible, is to provide an integrated degestión archive service that allows managing documents, records and other physical and digital goals, as well as the provision of digital preservation and commissioning available to such documents, records and digital objects.
Cartagena City Council is obliged to equip itself with a single electronic file in order to comply with the Law 39/2015, of October 1, Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administration and Law 40/2015, of October 1, of Legal regime of the Public Sector, which establishes the requirement that each administration have a single electronic file.
Thus, continuity is guaranteed in time of documents, records and other digital objects.
The Procurement has also tried, following the line of transparency driven by Isabel Garcia, diversoscontratos following the negotiated procedure.
So, they have opened the administrative and technical agreement "Electronic Records Management City Council of Cartagena" envelopes, referring tenders submitted to the technical services for its report.
Similarly, we proceeded to the opening of administrative and economic envelopes "Supply batch printing supplies for the Municipality of Cartagena Lot I:. Original printer cartridges and inkjet Lot II: Laser Toner" .
In the area of ​​Heritage, it has also been opened for the benefit of seeking maximum transparency in this type of concessions, administrative tender documentation of the administrative concession for the occupation and exploitation of the public domain consisting of local entertainment "kiosk rectangular "Park Los Juncos, which were presented three bidders.
Moreover, it should be noted that the area of ​​Heritage is currently working to get the bidding period negotiated procedures are carried out through electronic means, in order to ofrecermayor comfort and agility to businesses that choose to various contracts.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena