Registered unemployment has decreased in Cartagena, breaking the trend of regional and national spike.
Specifically, compared with the previous month, 115 people have found employment, which represents a reduction of 0.64%.
This is the best figure since August 2010, when it stood at 17,850 people unemployed.
Unemployment figures are never positive, but this time we can be satisfied because we improved, unlike what happened at regional and national level.
In fact, in the year compared with August 2015, unemployment has fallen by 1,837 people, representing a decrease of 9.31%.
Cartagena has initiated a path that shows that we are implementing policies work, said Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economic Strategy, Ana Belén Castejon.
Youth unemployment registered in Cartagena, which includes those under 25 years decreased from the previous month and 78 people over the same period last year 308 people.
It is the best youth unemployment data registered in Cartagena since August 2008, said Ana Belén Castejon.
The registered unemployment down by sector with respect to the year 2015 1.837 people and also in all sectors.
Occupied in Cartagena, according to data from the Social Security increase since January to 4,814 people, and 308 people losautónomos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena