The municipal MC Group expresses its wish that the proposals and initiatives that take discussion to the full City Council of Cartagena focus on issues of interest to the municipality, and they stay away from unproductive discussions on matters of national policy, international or ideologies, moving the focus of interest in matters that occupy the daily life of the residents
As stated by spokesman cartagenerista training in the Consistory, Francisco Calderon, who has called for coherence and operability for the proposed public representatives work "result in a practical way the citizen".
Calderon goes on to argue that "deal with matters pertaining to the neighbors is the most direct way to approach them. Starting with the closest, so we are concerned, we decide to change things."
The municipal spokesperson MC has expressed its wish that the representatives in the City of national parties bet by focusing on being "spokesmen for the needs of Cartagena, who have given them their confidence, giving priority to them and not to interests of their national political structures ".
In this sense, Francisco Calderon has said that political parties are obliged to "strengthen relations with neighbors, with districts and councils, to provide them with goods and municipal services" seeking to "further their needs to improve their quality of life. their welfare therefore depends on local policies, "reasoned MC spokesman in the city of Cartagena.
To conclude, Calderon has pleaded "not distract attention on issues that do not correspond, for limiting powers to Cartagena."
"At a time when at stake is the future of the municipality and its inhabitants, when watching infrastructures serve to turn away and not to facilitate the development of the region, we ask the other groups responsibility and commitment to Cartagena" he has completed the training cartagenerista spokesman in the city of Cartagena.
Source: MC