Following the announcement published yesterday in the BORM on the tender, by the regional government, the study of technical and economic feasibility for the development of an intermodal logistics platform, known Logistics Activities Zone (LAZ), in the Industrial Park of Los Camachos, mayor of Cartagena, Jose Lopez, states that:
Licitar the study would be a good measure if arrived on time.
If no answer, once again, to the policy of fait accompli with which the CARM is managed, not based on political and logistical criteria.
Only then explained that now a study on whether the construction of a ZAL in the largest energy center in the country, the most profitable port of Spain (national leader in bulk traffic), in a region is needed with an important activity licite agriculture and trade.
Only a political criterion may require a study to this and have developed an area in the metropolitan area of ​​Murcia city.
In addition to the geographical and economic reasons obvious, it is that there are 40 companies interested in the ZAL of Murcia.
This makes the CARM the determinedly ahead.
However, the fact that already has more than 100 companies interested in the project of the future ZAL in Los Camachos, according to data provided by local business groups, does not seem to be enough for the sincere commitment occurs.
The regional ZAL must be in Cartagena for logistics and strategy.
But also, even Murcia city benefit would be because it is clear that the goods come from the port of Cartagena should not pass by this city, and that the variant of Murcia will avoid that risk and leave out the rail link to the LAZ now drives the regional government.
We believe it is a political error, caused by lack of interest in the city and desire to maintain centralism, fleeing economic criteria and regional social profitability, and abounding in promoting public works with a dubious future and a present of patronage, very taste of traditional parties.
As for the study of the ZAL Cartagena, sorry we born with a biased field, limiting it to what is outside the scope of the ZAL of Murcia, showing what is now called asymmetry, although the most suitable would describe it with words inequality and abuse, benefiting the part for the whole.
No one should have the slightest doubt that we will continue working with entrepreneurs, social groups and whoever is necessary for a new strategy of marginalization to the Shire is not materializing, seeking only the benefit of the usual, although we all pay and, mainly the Port of Cartagena with its activity and, sometimes, even with its benefits as in Alternative Camarillas.
Our line of action is defined: we will support the efforts of entrepreneurs Polygon;
contemplate the logistics use for Los Camachos in revising the Municipal land-use planning;
Franco will encourage the deposit is transferred to that location;
incidiremos in enhancing Customs and will take all measures to the District of Cartagena count on what corresponds, in this case, as we indicated, could reach up to 7,000 jobs.
In short, we will fight for that wealth is distributed fairly and not greed.
José López Martínez
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena