Jose Lopez has admitted in an interview with GTM that the firefighter Citizens Movement who appointed coordinator of Civil Protection is "affine and friend", who has resigned under pressure from his boss and warned the socialist Aznar that "will have to answer this at the time "after accusing him of not meet the wage demands of the position now resigned.
In the interview, after saying that ousted former head of the group for irregularities, acknowledged that "we have friends officials, who are related and among them was the one who has been head of Civil Protection" A fire that as day it reported itself the Popular party, was representative of the mayor's party in a neighborhood council.
The mayor complained that designee charged less in his new position and no one wanted to raise the salary.
"He has been working four months charging less than the fire station," said the maximum municipal official.
Lopez finished his reflection warning that the responsibilities on this issue the council has a party with which it is coaligado "The head of the area is a socialist councilor and he will have to answer this come the time".
Lopez attributed the resignation of the coordinator to the "animus" the fire chief.
"The problem is that unionist and had denounced attitudes fire chief," said Lopez, he said, "this has been that when we appointed Martin Toledo as head of civil protection has been met with hostility Fire Marshal ".
Aznar keeps
Diego Ortega, deputy spokesman of the Municipal People's Party, believes that "these statements confirm suspicions that Lopez chose the coordinator of Civil Protection and Regulation jumped to appoint a politically related official. He's very strong, but the mayor recognizes that names officials for political affinity. "
The deputy spokesman stressed that these statements redrawn divided government.
"It's amazing that Lopez publicly support an official complaint cuts in government he leads. This man is distancing itself from the decisions of the council of the PSOE as if they were another government. It must be remembered that he appoints councilors and he has endeavored in keeping Aznar although he has refused to demolish their illegal and works botelleo his disastrous management or civil protection ".
Source: PP Cartagena