The colors of the rainbow led on Saturday June 25th Pride Parade LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender), leaving at parareivindicar streets bisexual visibility because of the activities of EnOrgulleCT 2016, organized by elColectivo Galáctyco in collaboration with the city of Cartagena.
Music and dancing enlivened the streets of Cartagena on a show accompanied by floats, choreographic groups and Batukada that gave rhythm to the parade.
A banner reinvidicativa rights of LGBT people marked the beginning of the route, held by Deputy Mayor, Ana Belén Castejon, the Councillor for Social Services, Carmen Martin, and the Councillor for Equality, David Martinez, among others representatives of groups.
Around seven o'clock, the parade started from the Plaza of Spain towards Carmen Street, the door of Murcia, Main Street and the Town Hall Square in an open to the public parade, in which they were represented different associations, groups and political groups such as the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB).
The event culminated in the esplanade of the port with the reading of a manifesto raised his voice to defend equality, respect and visibility of the group, followed by the musical performance group Mona Luisa giving end the party EnOrculleCT 2016.
Since last 15 to June 25, they have been held in Cartagena exhibitions, theater, concerts, conferences and protest actions coexistence of equality, enshrined in the 2016 EnOrgulleCT programming.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena