The Local Government Board, which met this morning, under the chairmanship of Mayor, Jose Lopez, has given the green light to the creation of municipal councils of Commerce and Equality, while it has approved a comprehensive package of aid and grants, agreements with universities and auctions of municipal plots, with a budget amendment in the amount of one million euros will enable the realization of various actions by the Infrastructure Department.
Thus, among the various issues that comprise the agenda, a proposal from the Deputy Mayor, Ana Belén Castejon, the Governing Board has approved the creation of the Sectoral Council of Trade for the municipality of Cartagena and its rules of operation .
It is a collegial body of sectoral consultative participation, complementary municipal and attached to the Department of Economic Strategy political organization.
Its functions are advisory and non-binding advice.
Through this advice the participation of citizens and representative associations in the field of trade will be channeled, forming a sectoral meeting forum, consultation, promotion and ongoing advice on municipal issues concerning trade the municipality of Cartagena.
On the other hand, the proposal of Councillor of the Culture and Heritage, Ricardo Segado, has approved the Regulation of the Council for Equal Opportunities of the municipality of Cartagena.
As explained by the Councillor for Equality, David Martinez, this is a non-binding advisory body of democratic participation within the municipal complementary organization affiliated with the Department of Equality.
The council instrumentalizará the participation of the most representative of social interests of women in municipal policies of equal opportunity organizations.
A proposal by the mayor, Jose Lopez, has agreed to start records for the alienation of plots of municipal assets Land.
Specifically Five: two in Atamaría valued at 3.4 million euros;
one in the vicinity of the Old Cathedral, valued at 230,000 euros;
and two at the entrance of Cabo de Palos, valued at 470,000 euros.
The auction will be published shortly in the Official Gazette and BORM a period of 20 days for the submission of proposals.
Agreements with Universities
A proposal by the Deputy Mayor, Ana Belén Castejon, has agreed to the extension of the collaboration agreement between the City of Cartagena and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena for consulting activities and technical assistance for inventory, characterization and conservation status of rural roads in the municipality of Cartagena.
The agreement was extended for another year to continue to catalog the 340 roads estimated to exist and be able to present their repair and maintenance to European programs, as was done with a first round of 20 on the Board of Governors April 20 .
The Governing Board also approved a proposal from the mayor, a framework agreement between the City of Cartagena and the University of Murcia to serve as a matrix for specific agreements on various matters in which both institutions can collaborate.
It has also approved the proposal of Councillor of the Culture and Heritage, Ricardo Segado, formalizing an agreement for educational collaboration between the city of Cartagena, Murcia University and Higher Education Center attached to the University of Murcia, ISEN so that students of this center can make practices and obtain academic credit for participation programs of the Youth Council.
Finally, in this section referred to universities, the Board of Governors approved a proposal from Segado, the granting of an annual subsidy of 119.8032 euros to associate in Cartagena National University (UNED) center, which corresponds to the municipal contribution to the maintenance of this center in the city.
In another things, the Board of Governors approved a multi-annual expenditure of 901,965 euros to hire for a period of four years of service mosquito fumigation, pest control, insect control fleas and pigeons in the municipality.
It is anticipated that the contract, once brought to public tender can be awarded and implemented in October 2016.
It has also approved an amendment to the 2016 budget of the Department of Infrastructure, amounting to 1,052,000 transferred from Chapter 2 of current investment spending 6 to perform various actions related to cleaning, maintenance of buildings, premises social and offices, renovation of HVAC systems with more efficient, replacing light fixtures, purchase of street furniture, repair of irrigation systems, revegetation, creating new gardens, creating a municipal and conditioning nursery general systems of free spaces together with the acquisition of machinery and vehicles.
The Governing Board also approved the call for grants to non-profit institutions with headquarters or permanent delegation to the municipality for 2016, to improve the quality of life of most vulnerable groups.
Grants will be awarded for a competitive, targeting 295,000 euros to social action organizations;
14,000 euros for the care and prevention of social exclusion in Roma;
and 80,000 euros non-governmental development paraorganizaciones based in Cartagena.
A proposal of Councillor of the Quality of Life, Francisco Calderon has approved the direct award of a grant of 32,000 euros to the Benevolent Association of Hospitality Santa Teresa, in order to meet the basic needs of shelter, food, toiletries and clothing bystanders and homeless and activities that encourage the promotion and recovery of people.
This subsidy corresponds to the period from January 1 to April 30 period.
From that date the council has signed an exclusive contract with Hospitality to provide these same services for transients and homeless, in which the consistory exercise greater control.
Also approved direct grants to social entities nonprofit such as the Home for Children, Food Bank Association Good Samaritan, Caritas Diocese of Cartagena Center Coordinator, Caritas Diocese of Cartagena San Diego Foundation Shop Asylum St. Pedro (Torre Hogar Nazareth) and Sisters of the Poor).
The total amount of this aid is 120,000 euros that will be used to provide basic coverage to vulnerable groups only needs through services provided by these entities in collaboration with the Department.
Also has approved a grant of 20,000 euros for the folk group "City of Cartagena", La Palma, organizer of the National Folk Festival in the region of Cartagena;
and another 60,000 euros to the Association of Film Festival of Cartagena.
A proposal of the Chief Councillor of the Culture and Heritage, Ricardo Segado, has approved the appropriation for 53 registered youth associations in the municipal register of associations, organizations providing services to youth and youth sections of entities adult duly constituted, for an amount of 40,000 euros.
A proposal councilor for the Transparency and Good Governance, Juan Pedro Torralba, has approved the signing of unconvenio collaboration with the five bands of the municipality amounting to 80,000 euros for the promotion of music, with its presence in cultural and festive events, and he is teaching through their music schools.
The Governing Board also approved a proposal from the Mayor, the creation of a Technical Coordination Committee to prepare records for naming municipal public spaces.
The measure relates to joint motion full of 16 February, presented by MC, PSOE and CTSSP for change of name of streets and public spaces under the Law of Historical Memory and other start-ups.
It will involve the official chroniclers of Cartagena, along with technical departments and Population Statistics, Planning and Communication and Protocol and will be chaired by the Coordinator of Heritage and Archaeology.
It has also agreed to adjust the number of temporary or trust the municipal government and political groups to 27 staff, maintaining the same number of people who were hired so far and the same expense.
This is because some of them are employed part-time, adding 23 real full days, which is how they had counted so far.
VALUE OF WORKS 2.3 million
Finally, and among other things has been realized resolutions and other authorization certificates in the field of Urban Intervention issued by the Director General of Urbanism from 20 April to 3 May 2016. In total, 96 resolutions and 184 titles enablers, numbering budgets jobbing material amounting to 2,361,647 euros and represent an income of 52,899 euros and rates of 94,465 euros per ICIO.
Through these authorizations 34 performances construction, rehabilitation and reform of housing will be made;
and 34 other commercial activities, entertainment and services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena