The opposition groups have approved this morning in plenary a motion presented by the Popular Party which obliges the government to amend the statutes of the Employment Agency for MC and PSOE stop having in its Governing Council majority has allowed them disobeying the plenary decision which ceased to his manager.
The loss of more than 700,000 euros of money courses for the unemployed by the incompetence of the Employment Agency led to repeated complaints of the Popular Party and the majority decision of the plenary that the Government proceeded to dismiss his charge.
The decision to stop was taken last month in a plenary session in which the mayor Lopez boasted that the council of the government would not fulfill the mandate of the Corporation.
"The Castejon Deputy Mayor has defended excuses bad payer and has said he does not have to obey the plenary, demonstrating the idea she has of democracy. In the end, opposition groups have put things in their site, an organism that direct councilors and lives budget approving the plenary can not be operated against the decisions of the House. we know that this has been a serious setback for Castejon, but would have been avoided if fulfilled decisions most "said the popular spokesman Diego Ortega.
The government, which was reserved in the Agency does not have a majority in Parliament, failed to comply with that decision and council prevented with their vote that the cessation occurred manager, a former high socialist position.
That serious breach has led to the initiative of the Popular Party, which will enable the opposition correct the contempt the government.
Source: PP Cartagena