The new Faculty of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has been formally established today at a meeting held in the auditorium.
The highest representative body of the university community, elected last March 16, is made up of 241 people from different walks of life.
Among the 241 people who are there are three ex officio members: Rector, General Secretary and Manager;
133 belong to group A, consisting of doctors, teachers with permanent links to the University;
27 to group B, made up the rest of Teachers Researcher;
54 to group C, students, and 24 of the D group, composed of members of Administration and Services, according to data provided by General Secretariat.
The duration of the cloistered office is four years, except in the case of students, which is two years.
During the constituent session he was elected to the Senate Committee, which will comprise, in addition to the Rector, as president, and the General Secretary, as fedataria, by Eduardo Pérez Pardo, group A, as vice president, and as vocal Maria Dolores Galera (group B), Javier Egea Sanchez (C) and Margarita Galindo (D).
Among the functions of the Senate are to meet, discuss and propose the outlines of the policy of the UPCT;
create commissions;
hold elections to choose Rector and University Ombudsman, among others.
The Senate meets in ordinary session at least twice during the school year.
Source: UPCT