This morning was held in the administrative building of San Miguel the meeting of the jury, under the chairmanship of Councillor for Finance and Procurement, Isabel Garcia, which has proceeded to the opening of administrative documentation companies that choose to service contracts maintenance of public roads 2016.
The work covered by the contract should include the provision of regular work as the replacement of pavement failures;
replacement of broken tiles;
repairing damaged or recessed surfaces, etc.
The contract has been divided into five lots: District 4;
Districts 1 and 2;
Districts 3.5 and 6;
District 7, and patching of the entire municipality.
The award of this contract have been a total of 56 companies, representing a participation outstanding resulting from the policy of transparency and promoting participation promoted by the municipal government in public tenders.
The output value of contract award is 650,000 euros (VAT included).
On Wednesday April 13, the jury will reconvene to open technical bids on a date to be invited to all bidding companies.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena