On Tuesday 5th was a meeting in the local office of Our Lady of Charity among technicians of the Department of Social Services City of Cartagena and team representatives various groups in the neighborhood.
The role of municipal technicians was to inform attendees about the Municipal Plan Disability Cartagena for All, in order to sensitize and educate citizens about the rights of people with other skills, promoting their participation in activities environment.
The neighborhood association network has picked up the baton and has committed to incorporate into your next Cultural Week a talk-raising and participate in the Municipal Plan providing a report with the needs of these neighbors.
In the meeting it was attended by representatives of the Neighborhood Association of Our Lady of Charity, the CEIP Stella Maris, the School of Football Hope, Senior Club, ACCEM, Abraham Project, Caritas San Leandro, Collective Ghana, Collective Maghreb Palmera Cultural Association Cartagena, Computer Room, Ballroom Dancing Workshop, Choreographic Group Renacer, Chirigota The February Carnival, REBELS Local Group Headquarters and ACEMUR Cartagena.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena