The regional deputy, Andres Pedroza, met with delegates of Comisiones Obreras in the 'Committee of Navantia in Cartagena.
After the meeting, Pedroza said that the parliamentary group will drive from the Regional Assembly and the Congress of Deputies, initiatives aimed at ensuring the viability of the shipyards in the port city.
The situation of Navantia is for Podemos deputy, "another symptom that the Popular Party and ended while industrial policy to dive into the economy pelotazo ago."
Andres Pedroza said that one of the direct consequences of the "irresponsibility" of the regional government, is "that the shipyard workers live in continuous uncertainty."
Therefore, it is "urgent" just has as said parliamentarian can, that "we're done with the way in which got us the PP in which only found de-industrialization and impoverishment. We must resume a policy of rigorous industrial planning and consistent".
The Parliamentary Group can already working on a number of initiatives including: the adoption of a new industrial plan for Navantia, to ensure the workload and investments to the shipyard in Cartagena.
This Industrial Plan will include the participation of trade unions and the possibility open to the rejuvenation of the workforce, the survival of qualifications, diversification and incorporation of new activities such as the construction of civil ships and renewable energy.
Also, Andrés Pedroza stressed that "neither the District of Cartagena and Murcia can afford to lose more industrial fabric".
We considered very important that while the construction of submarines S80 series is completed, the life of the submarines S70 series continues, making precise operations fairing for review and maintenance.
"This requires having sufficient budgetary investments by the Government of Spain. We also believe that public authorities must continue to ensure the survival of specializing in fiberglass shipyard of Cartagena. This is essential to ensure that the construction of two minesweepers that is being negotiated right now with the Algerian government to take in Cartagena "stressed Pedreño.
Finally, Deputy Podemos Murcia, stressed that SEPI, the company owned by the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales "has become an ineffective organization managed by friends of the PP on criteria cronyism that created a desert industry in this country. "
Hence, Andrés Pedroza, "is important for a government of change make SEPI increase investment in R & D technology, bet by an ecological conversion of factories, open new marketing channels, search mechanisms for regulation and retention of the auxiliary industry and face a rejuvenation of its workforce ".
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia