Professor Area Signal Theory and Communications, Alejandro Diaz Morcillo, has won the support of 53.94% of the university community in the rector elections held today at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT).
By sector, Diaz has made 26.2% of teachers with doctorates permanent links to the University;
8.1% of other teachers;
13.1% of students and 6.6% of the members of Administration and Services have voted, according to data provided by the Central Electoral Board.
These percentages are obtained by weighted voting system.
Participation in these elections has varied sectors.
Thus, it voted 87.8% of doctors teachers with permanent link to the UPCT, while the rest of the PDI have done in 66.2%.
As for the students, they have placed their vote at the polls 21.9%.
The PAS, meanwhile, 80.4%.
For its part, the candidate Leandro Juan Llácer has won the support of 46.06% of voters: 24.8% of teachers with doctorates permanent links to the University;
6.9% of other teachers;
11.9% of students and 2.4% of the members of Administration and Services.
The vote count was done by the system of universal suffrage weighted of the university community, according to the Organic Law of Universities and the Statute of the UPCT.
Thus, doctors have teachers with permanent links 51%, the remaining 15% PDI, PAS and another 9% students 25% of the total.
The acting rector, Jose Antonio Franco, has congratulated the newly elected president and expressed his satisfaction with the development of election day.
The Central Electoral Board will hold the provisional proclamation before the end and the final, on 22 March.
New rector career
Alejandro Diaz Morcillo (Albacete, 1971) is university professor area Signal Theory and Communications.
He has been Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation during the past year;
coordinator of the Network of Chairs of technology companies.
He specializes in RF and microwave and author of five patents.
He is a researcher responsible for the group of Electromagnetism and Matter and evaluator of ANEP (National Evaluation Project).
He trained at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA).
Teaches at the School of Telecommunications Engineering UPCT since 1999.
Rectoral team:
Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Teaching Innovation: Angel Lopez Nicolas, professor of Applied Economics and Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Teaching Innovation.
Vice Chancellor for Research: Beatriz Miguel Hernandez, Professor of Chemical Engineering and coordinator of the Joint Masters in Labour Risks Prevention
Vice Chancellor for Economic Planning and Strategic: Emilio Trigueros Tornero, Professor of Mining and current Vice Chancellor of Economic and Strategic Planning.
Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation and Development Cooperation: Current Jose Manuel Ferrández Vicente, Professor in the area of ​​Computer Architecture and Technology and current Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation and Development Cooperation
Vice Chancellor for Academic: José Luis Muñoz Lozano, Professor in the area of ​​Systems and Automation Engineering and current Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Infrastructure, Equipment and Sustainability: Marcos Ros Sempere, hired Dr. Urban Area and Planning and Deputy Director of the School of Architecture and Building (2015-2016) teacher.
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Communications: Mathieu Kessler, Professor of Statistics and current Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Communications.
Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Enterprise: Alejandro Pérez Pastor, head of the university area of ​​Plant Production and director of Agronomists (2010-2016)
Vice Chancellor for Student and University Extension: Sergio Amat Plata, Professor of Applied Mathematics.
Secretary General: Ma Carmen Alvarez Pastor, professor in the area of ​​civil law and current General Secretary
Management: Carmen Alcaraz Thomas, Head of Unit of the TTO and current manager.
Source: UPCT