Social awareness generated by cases of abuse or animal abandonment is at the origin of the Course of Technical Knowledge and Performance of Local Police in this matter, which will be held on Thursday 10 and Friday, March 11, at the School of Public Safety the Ayuntamienbto of Cartagena, in charge of a company specializing in Animal law and lawyer with a long history.
The course aimed at Local Police, aims to update the knowledge rererentes State, regional and local legislation on the subject, and the applicable criminal law.
The training consists of two modules, the first will deal with the legislation, and the second on competences regarding the protection of animals and Analysis of actual crimes.
Through this program, twenty officers will be trained in the following subjects:
Administrative Law: State, Regional and Local.
Precautionary measures
Criminal law
Crime of animal abuse.
Concept and categories
Crime of abandonment
Offense for use of poison
Precautionary measures
Circulars dela Attorney General.
The two module comprises:
Competencies Protection of animals
Analysis of actual cases of complaints
Measures of Prevention
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena