Folklore The course organized by the Department of Social Services has begun with the assistance of 40 higher than the first conference: The Territory, the house and the shed, by the instructor he gueda Carralero.
During the meeting it described the territory of the two regions: the Campo de Cartagena and Huerta de Murcia, the way of life of its inhabitants, ethnography, folklore and differences between the houses and the barracks.
The following topics are Oral traditions of the Campo de Cartagena, by José Sánchez Conesa;
and Stories by Juan Ignacio Cartagena Ferrández both official chroniclers of Cartagena.
On the other hand we must mention the visit that the integral workshop group Letters to the Image Library has been made ​​in the Roman Theatre in Cartagena, accompanied by archaeologist Antonio Murcia has explained carefully writing utensils in antiquity, and how to edit text and different crafts related to writing.
Later they moved to the Old Cathedral of Cartagena where they visited their foundations and talked about its history.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena