| In the last session of the year, the municipal accounts go ahead, amounting to 217 million euros, with 3.3 million more than in 2020 and a rise of 1.5% compared to that year | The plenary session of the municipal corporation, meeting this Tuesday, December 29 in an extraordinary session, the last of the year, chaired by the mayor, Ana Bel n Castej n, has given the green light to the Municipal Budgets for the year 2021, amounting to 217 million euros, and it has done so with the votes in favor of the government, and against the opposition groups. This amount, (217,025,688 euros), represents an increase of 3.3 million compared to the 2020 budgets, that is, 1.5%. Some budgets that, as explained by the councilor for the Treasury, Esperanza Nieto, are presented “as a basic tool for the operation of services and with the ability to adapt to the different situations that we have to face by the not only health evolution of this crisis, also its worrying social and economic repercussion ”. Among its objectives, two can be considered extraordinary, since they arise as part of the municipal strategy against COVID, such as combating the social effects of the health crisis and boosting the economy to generate employment. In addition, "it is a budget to advance the main objectives of the legislature, such as the commitment to neighborhoods and councils, the improvement of services and the streamlining of staff," Nieto highlighted. By area, the Social Care, in charge of providing help to families, is the one that grows the most, going from 4 million to 7.5 million euros the item allocated to Social Programs, so that all Areas that contribute to social spending add up to an increase of 5 million. With regard to small and medium-sized businesses, the suspension of fees and taxes will be maintained, it will not be charged for business opening, or for transfers, or for occupation of public path for terraces and markets. 1 million euros of investment in the company will be stopped, which will be offset by 4 million of extraordinary income from the Repsol expansion project. For the head of the Treasury area, several aspects of these budgets must be highlighted, such as that "the level of investments is maintained, they represent more than 12,300,000 euros and will be complemented by a package of investments financed with charge to the loans, surplus and surplus of the water that this government has decided to turn into public work to generate employment ”. Investments in decentralization also rose to 1.7 million, representing an increase of 17.5%; In tourism, the endowment of the Port of Cultures Consortium is increased to assume the costs of opening the new museum of the Roman Forum and Culture will have an increase of 10%, recovering the budget for the celebration of the La Mar de M sicas Festival and enabling a special game to commemorate the year: the anniversary of the Popular University, the 40 years of the Jazz Festival and the 50th edition of the FICC. Progress will be made in the recovery of the Heritage (280,000 euros for elements of the defensive system, such as the Castle of the Moors or the Fort of Despeñaperros); About a million euros are included for the General Urban Planning Plan and an investment of about 200,000 euros in the Los Camachos industrial estate. "Without tax increases and with a conservative forecast of income, we maintain the investment and our commitments of the Government agreement," said Esperanza Nieto, while remembering that in terms of personnel, there will be more security ( new calls for Police and Firefighters), more stability (official processes and new public employment offer) and a commitment to management. Thus, recalling the 15% reduction in interest on the debt and that, at the end of 2021, the debt with the banks will be reduced to 34 million after amortizing a total of 25 million euros, the mayor closed her exposition emphasizing that “we will be one of the large municipalities with the least bank debt, we will continue to be the largest municipality in the region that pays its suppliers earlier and we will be the first large institution in the region n in approving their budgets, and all this set of measures are in themselves a commitment to recovery ”. In the shift corresponding to municipal groups, MC Cartagena began, with councilor Isabel Garc a expressing her group's rejection of budgets that “leave behind SMEs and self-employed workers and, ultimately, all Cartagena, dedicating itself exclusively to selling headlines ”. For his part, the councilor of Vox, Gonzalo Abad, made it clear that he would vote against some accounts that "in an environment of crisis increase, without sense, public spending, it is based on unrealistic income forecasts and it does not contemplate the agreement reached to waive the increase in the remuneration of councilors ”. The group's interventions were closed by the spokesperson for United We Can IU Verdes Equo, Leli Garc a, who stated that these budgets “are a mirage in expenses and also in forecasting income, and suffer from opacity in their items.
, without specifics or details ”. Finally, the municipal budgets for 2020 have been approved in plenary session, with the votes in favor of the municipal government, and against the opposition groups, MC Cartagena, Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo and Vox. Amendments to budgets The extraordinary plenary session of budgets began with the voting of the amendments, in whole and in part, presented by the municipal group MC Cartagena, which have not succeeded. In this way, the amendment to the whole, defended by the mayor Isabel García, has been rejected with the votes in favor of MC and the councilor of Vox Gonzalo Abad, against the municipal government, and the abstention of United We can IU Verdes Equo and the mayor of Vox, Pilar Garc a. The partial amendments have also been rejected, about a dozen, presented by the councilors of MC Jos López and Jes s Gim nez, who already advanced their “no to some budgets that present shortcomings and errors”. Institutional Declaration in favor of the City of Justice El ?ltimo pleno de 2020 ha finalizado con la aprobaci?n de una Declaraci?n institucional sobre las necesidades de Cartagena en materia de Justicia, tal y como se acord? en la ?ltima reuni?n de la Mesa de la Justicia. As?, el pleno ha acordado dirigirse al Ministerio para reivindicar la construcci?n de una Ciudad de la Justicia que reagrupe todos los juzgados; solicitar la apertura del juzgado n?mero 3 de lo Mercantil durante el primer semestre de 2020, para lo que el Ayuntamiento ha ofrecido espacios del Palacio Molina y que, en tanto no se construye la Ciudad de la Justicia, se instalen los juzgados en el edificio de la Plaza de España. Adem?s, el documento incluye el rechazo al proyecto de ley por el que se modifica la estructura judicial centralizando los juzgados en la capitales de provincia, lo cual perjudicar?a a Cartagena.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena