| The proposal of the motions may take up to five minutes and the presentation and answer to the questions will be adjusted to six | The Board of Spokespersons of the City of Cartagena, meeting this Thursday, December 3 under the presidency of the Mayor, Ana Bel n Castej n, has agreed to regulate the deadlines for presenting initiatives and the duration of the the members of the Corporation, in order to make the plenary sessions more flexible, guaranteeing the rights of participation of the councilors.
The presentation and first intervention in the motions will be a maximum of five minutes, the replies can last up to 3 minutes and the proponent can use one minute to close.
In addition, six minutes are established for the questions for oral response in the Plenary, between the statement of the question, the Government's answer and cross-questions. In order to facilitate the work of the members of the Corporation and of the municipal services, the deadlines for the presentation of initiatives have been specified, developing the provisions of the Plenary Regulations.
In the case of resolving motions, which must be reported by the corresponding Information Commission, they must be presented with the necessary advance notice to be included in the Commission's Agenda.
Control motions, complying with the provisions of the regulations, must be submitted 48 hours before the day scheduled for the call, ordinarily, the time limit would be set at 1:00 p.m.
on the Saturday before the Full.
Those that are presented outside these deadlines will have to be declared urgent by the Plenary to be debated. Oral response questions, which must be submitted 2 days in advance, may ordinarily be registered until 10 am on the day of the call. Likewise, it has been decided to set interventions at 1 minute for a matter of order and at 2 the minutes that councilors can use in a shift due to allusions that imply value judgments or inaccuracies that affect the decorum or dignity of the person or conduct of a councilor. The spokespersons have also agreed to speed up the plenary sessions by limiting the number of questions that each councilor can present for their oral response in plenary to 2.
The rest of the questions will have a written answer on the date of the next information commission. Order of interventions The Board of Spokespersons has also decided to adjust the order of the speeches to what is set in the regulations, so that the voting on the motions takes place at the end of the speaking turns that the groups will develop in descending order.
according to the number of councilors that make it up.
Non-attached councilors may intervene for a time that is no longer than that of the rest of councilors and no less than one minute. The mayor thanked all groups for their willingness to establish a criterion that allows all councilors to exercise their right to control the government or make proposals to the Plenary with the greatest agility and efficiency possible.
"Determining the time of the interventions will avoid injustices in the distribution of time or an unnecessary prolongation of the interventions.
Regulating the times is a power of the mayor, hear, the Board of Spokespersons, but it is a lot better to make these decisions with the consensus that has been produced this morning.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena