| The plenary session approves an institutional declaration, in a new marathon session in the morning and afternoon where more than 80 initiatives have been addressed | The plenary session of the Cartagena City Council this morning showed its unanimous support for people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes the disease AIDS, through an institutional statement.In it, the Corporation undertakes to guarantee and consolidate the necessary policies to improve the social and health benefits of people living with HIV in Cartagena, as well as to reinforce awareness campaigns and promotion of the early diagnosis of HIV.Likewise, to modify and implement the legislative reforms that were necessary to guarantee their rights and eradicate their social discrimination.The declaration also points to the commitment to value the new demands and opportunities that arise in improving the well-being, quality of life and social integration of people living with HIV; all this bearing in mind the people who died as a result of AIDS and their families, those currently living with HIV, as well as the organizations and professionals who dedicate their lives to caring for them.The purpose of the declaration is to commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1.OPERATING EXPENSES OF THE GROUPSThe plenary session of the City Council has once again held a new ordinary marathon session today, corresponding to the month of November, in which a large number of initiatives of the municipal groups have been addressed, around 85, in the form of motions, requests and questions, that have made it necessary to continue from half past nine in the morning to a quarter to eight in the afternoon, with a recess at noon.Among other issues, the plenary session, through a proposal from the Mayor's Office, has approved the reduction by 50 percent of the operating expenses of the municipal political groups during the years 2020 and 2021, which will be extended to 2022 and 2023.In this way, the annual allowances that the groups will receive during those years will be 9,274 euros in the case of Mc Cartagena; of 8,148 euros in that of the PP; and 2,518 for Vox and Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida Equo, each.The Citizens group will not receive an allowance after having expressly renounced it and returned the amount charged in 2019.The initiative has had the favorable votes of the municipal government, Mc Cartagena and Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida Equo; and the abstention of Vox.At the proposal of the spokesman for this last group, Gonzalo Abad, it has also been approved that the 0.9 percent rise in their salaries, foreseen by the Government of the Nation in the general budgets, does not apply to all councilors of the Municipal Corporation of the State for 2021.
This issue had already been decided previously by the municipal government for its councilors. In this case, the proposal has gone forward unanimously.At the proposal of Aroha Nicolás, from Unidos Podemos Izquierda Unida-Verdes Equo, a motion to adapt and improve the track and soccer field located between Calle Bateria and Avenida Sánchez Meca in Santa Lucía has been unanimously approved.
For this, the local government must manage with ADIF, the owner of the land, an agreement that allows the appropriate actions and investments to be made.Also from this same councilor, a motion on commitments to stop the proliferation of betting houses has been approved, which has been supported by the councilors of United We Can United Left Equo and Mc Cartagena; While the municipal government has abstained considering that it was a matter for the State and Vox has voted against.The motion urges the regional government to impose greater restrictions on these places due to the pandemic, as well as minimum distances of 700 meters to educational centers or hospitals and limitations in the granting of authorizations.
The municipal government is also urged to include limitations in the General Urban Planning Plan regarding its implementation and distances from others in the municipality.
Other aspects refer to the fact that grants are not granted to entities that promote gambling or betting.At the proposal of Jesús Giménez, from Mc Cartagena, it has been unanimously approved that the Cartagena City Council, before the preliminary draft of the Organic Law of Organizational Efficiency of the Public Justice Service, positions itself in favor of Proximity Justice and rejects any proposal of creation or specialization of new provincial courts, of any jurisdictional order, to the detriment of the jurisdiction of existing or approved courts in the judicial district of Cartagena.Likewise, any proposal to transfer powers from the existing courts to other courts that only exist in provincial capitals is rejected while reiterating the demand for the urgent needs of infrastructures and courts that the municipality of Cartagena and the judicial districts of Cartagena have.
and San Javier.Another approved motion was that of M.ª Dolores Ruiz Álvarez, from Mc Cartagena, to prohibit road access to the Castillo de Los Moros by placing a sign informing citizens of this circumstance, except for emergency vehicles and which has obtained the unanimous support of the Corporation.
This is to avoid acts of looting or vandalism,The rescue of the Hospitality sector in the face of the second wave of Covid-19 has been the subject of another motion approved and presented by the spokesperson of the popular group, Noelia Arroyo.Thus, the green light has been given for the City Council to request the Government of the Nation to urgently launch a national rescue plan for the hospitality industry that includes, among others, non-refundable aid and liquidity injections that help to support the hoteliers while they have no income; the application of a super reduced VAT to the sector; the expansion of ERTEs and aid for cessation of activity; moratoriums and tax exemptions; flat rates for the self-employed; reduction of contributions to Social Security; and rental aid for hoteliers.The motion was approved with the only vote against United We Can United Left Equo.In addition, the motion of María Dolores Ruiz, from Mc Cartagena, has been approved to denounce before the General Directorate of Natural Environment the abandonment of construction material in the open in the head of San Ginés, in case the opening of a file should proceed sanctioning that delimits the responsibility and the immediate restoration of the current legislation.The municipal government has abstained in this matter while waiting to verify the complaint.A propuesta de Aroha Nicolás de Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida-Verdes Equo, se ha aprobado una moción con motivo del 25N en el que se reconoce la existencia de la violencia contra las mujeres, al tiempo que se rechaza esta lacra estructural y se compromete el Ayuntamiento de forma activa en su eliminación y a poner en marcha todos los recursos de los que dispone para apoyar a las supervivientes y a sus hijos e hijos.Igualmente para que se refuerce el servicio de atención a las víctimas de la violencia machista fuera del horario habitual de la administración valorando su acceso a través de un teléfono específico o del 092 de la Policía Local; y que la Concejalía de Igualdad elabore un material informativo y divulgativo claro de los recursos existentes para la atención a las víctimas de la violencia machista.Por último se insta a la Consejería a reforzar los recursos disponibles para las mujeres víctimas de la violencia en Cartagena.La moción se ha aprobado con los votos a favor de Gobierno y de Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida Equo; la abstención de Mc Cartagena; y el voto en contra de Vox.Las deficiencias en la señalización de los accesos de la autovía A-30 a la diputación de El Albujón ha sido el objeto de la moción de Enrique Pérez Abellán, de Mc Cartagena, que se ha aprobado por unanimidad.El acuerdo insta al Gobierno estatal a que refuerce e incremente la señalización informativa, en las salidas 176 y 180, que facilite la orientación, y ejecute una raqueta en la salida a Pozo Estrecho que garantice la seguridad vial, al tiempo de que se estudie un proyecto que facilite una salida directa en la 176 a El Albujón.A la terminación del debate de esta moción, se ha guardado un minuto de silencio como muestra de condolencia por el fallecimiento esta mañana de una mujer en un accidente de tráfico, ocurrido en la carretera de La Palma a Torre Pacheco.El pleno ha aprobado otra moción de Aurelia García, de Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida-Verdes Equo, sobre medidas contra la contaminación ambiental, protocolo municipal y aviso a la población.
En concreto, la elaboración del Protocolo de Actuación Municipal en Episodios Ambientales de Contaminación Atmosférica, siguiendo los parámetros marcados por la Dirección General de Medio Ambiente, y la dotación presupuestaria suficiente para contar con los recursos y el personal técnico para la puesta en marcha de dicho protocolo.La moción se ha aprobado con el respaldo de todos los concejales, excepto los de Vox, que se han abstenido.Por unanimidad se ha aprobado otra moción de Aurelia García Muñoz, de Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida-Verdes Equo, para negociar convenios de colaboración con el Colegio de Abogados de Cartagena para la creación de una oficina de mediación y puntos de información y difusión a través de los medios del Ayuntamiento con el objetivo de informar a la ciudadanía de los recursos de que disponen y los derechos que les asisten.De su compañera de formación Aroha Nicolás, se ha dado luz verde a una moción para colaborar activamente con los colectivos LGTBI del municipio en la elaboración de un programa de formación y actuación para la Policía Local en caso de intervención de delitos lgtbifóbicos; así como para la creación de un observatorio de igualdad que permita conocer mejor la realidad local y la eficacia de las políticas puestas en marcha así como una oficina municipal con personal especializado para coger denuncias por acoso, discriminación o ataques lgtbifóbicos.La moción se ha aprobado con los votos en contra de Vox.Por último se ha aprobado una moción de María del Pilar García, concejal del Vox, para colaborar con los vecinos de la calle San Marino, y la Asociación ASIDO, del Polígono de Santa Ana, a fin de evitar nuevas inundaciones en sus sótanos y garajes como consecuencia de una nueva DANA, mediante el allanamiento del terreno trasero de dichas construcciones.Esta moción se ha aprobado con los votos del Gobierno municipal y de Vox; y las abstenciones de Mc Cartagena y de Unidas Podemos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena