| José López: "His verbal incontinence leads him to confess the strategy of San Esteban against our municipality" | This morning, the spokesman for the Municipal Group MC Cartagena, José López, has delved into the reasons for his training to promote, during the course of the next Plenary, the declaration of persona non grata for the Minister of Development of CARM, José Ramón Díez of Revenga. The latest unfortunate statements by the representative of the regional government criticizing the state investments for the construction of the S-80 submarines that Navantia is carrying out in Cartagena has been the trigger for an initiative to which Díez de Revenga has been clearly worthy of his repeated faults of respect and an evident aversion towards our municipality. Criticism of the investment for the largest R & D & i project in Spain "We will propose the disapproval of the Minister of Development, Díez de Revenga, the voice of panmurcianism, which takes advantage of its public appearances to express its anger towards Cartagena," José López has argued. In relation to the Cartagena motion, the MC leader has stated that "the proposal comes from the Navantia workers themselves after their criticism of the investment in the shipyard for the S80 submarine project, Navantia Cartagena's main workload." The incomprehensible position of Díez de Revenga has been valued by the MC councilor.
"The survival of the naval industry and the largest Spanish R + D + i project seems little to him, just because it is not in Murcia." Other disrespect for Cartagena Subsequently, he has recalled several of the 'episodes' of Diez de Revenga.
"He has already described Cartagena as independentists, and as a delusion to claim that regional logistics traffic is linked to the ZAL of Los Camachos and the port of Cartagena." In contrast to this is his attitude towards the municipality of Murcia.
"He insistently claims hundreds of millions of euros from the central government for the megalomania of Ballesta: the northwest arch; the third lane to Alicante or the burial of the AVE in said city." "It is likely that the indignity of Arroyo, Padín and Castejón will lead them to vote against it, but they will not succeed in whitewashing this rogue, whose verbal incontinence leads him to confess the strategy of San Esteban against Cartagena, with the same vileness as the municipalities sell our future ", has concluded José López.
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena