| The decision was adopted unanimously by all the Consortium members at the General Council meeting held this Wednesday and chaired by the mayor of Cartagena | The General Council of the La Manga Consortium, which met this Wednesday, November 18 under the presidency of the Mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, approved, at the proposal of the Mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo, and unanimously by all its members, request the regional government to consider the scope of action of this entity as a territorial unit when establishing measures for the health pandemic.The president of the Consortium, Ana Belén Castejón, will send a letter to the president of the regional government, Fernando López Miras, requesting that this measure be implemented immediately to avoid grievances between the residents of La Manga that belong to the municipalities of Cartagena and of San Javier.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena